gsDesign2 Public
Forked from Merck/gsDesign2Group Sequential Design Under Non-Proportional Hazards
knitr Public
A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
xfun Public
Miscellaneous R functions
crandalf Public
Check all reverse dependencies of your R package with Github Actions
social-blogdown Public
Fetch social media messages weekly and turn them into a website based on blogdown
litedown Public
A lightweight version of R Markdown
lite.js Public
Miscellaneous lightweight tools and utilities in JavaScript
tinytable Public
Forked from vincentarelbundock/tinytableSimple and Customizable Tables in `R`
hugo-xmag Public
A minimal magazine theme for Hugo
hugo-prose Public
A Hugo theme derived from the XMin theme, and inspired by Wowchemy, Distill, and tufte.css
yihui.org Public
Personal website and discussion board of Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
hugo-paged Public
A Hugo theme with the feel of printed media (inspired by paged.js)
tinyplot Public
Forked from grantmcdermott/tinyplotLightweight extension of the base R graphics system
hugo-xmin Public
eXtremely Minimal Hugo theme: about 140 lines of code in total, including HTML and CSS (with no dependencies)
knitr-examples Public
A collection of knitr examples
servr Public
A simple HTTP server in R
tmate-r Public
Debug R problems on GHA via tmate
yyjsonr Public
Forked from coolbutuseless/yyjsonrFast JSON package for R
mermaid Public
Forked from mermaid-js/mermaidGeneration of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
commonmark Public
Forked from r-lib/commonmarkHigh Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
testit Public
A simple package for testing R packages
latex-pass Public
Help you pass the LaTeX compilation by telling you which LaTeX packages are missing to compile your documents
highr Public
Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code
hugo-lithium Public
Forked from jrutheiser/hugo-lithium-themeLithium - A simple responsive Hugo theme
hugo-ivy Public
A two-column Hugo theme ported from Ivy
r2rtf Public
Forked from Merck/r2rtfEasily Create Production-Ready Rich Text Format (RTF) Table and Figure
Rd2roxygen Public
Convert Rd to roxygen documentation