1 Build
colcon build
2 Open the UWB
ros2 launch nlink_parser_ros2 linktrack.launch.py
Check the data received by:
source install/setup.bash
ros2 topic echo /nlink_linktrack_nodeframe2
3 Open the IR LED measure
ros2 launch ir_led_measure ir_launch.py
4 Open the ouster lidar to get the reflict data:
ros2 run reflict scan_node.py
5 Get the rosbag
cd bags
ros2 bag record /fused_position
ros2 bag record /reflict_center
ros2 bag record /reflict_center /fused_position
View by the python code in bags
7 Calibration
ros2 launch ir_led_measure rosbag_launch.py
ros2 bag record /camera/image_raw