TKMedia Documentation (BUY/UPDATE)
TKMedia uses these 4 commands. {"/tk", "/tch", "/tpass", "/tban"}. The most important command that is used to open your media link is "/tk". This command will convert your link to embed link. E.g. If your link is a youtube video, there will be no ads and its going to be fullscreen (ofc you can use /url if you need to open webpages). You will see this command and other following commands introduced in details in next section. The thing that makes this script different from other scripts available in market is that you can create multiple [CHANNELS] so people in different channels can watch different videos. Same concept as watching different videos in different rooms of a building and the command to use this feature is "/tch". To prevent people from abusing your media script, there are two options you can use in your advantage. First option is you can use "/tpass" to set password for your channels, so in a crowded experience, only the few who know the pass can use the commands. By using the other option, i.e. "/tban", you can ban the users who are abusing your script so they won’t have access to commands anymore.
- current version: 2.0
- release date : January 3 2020
There are two kind of commands for this script. You can write /tiki
in your chatbox in Sansar to see all Commands.
Command | Help | Example |
/tch help | tch commands list | /tch help |
/tch | shows all available channels | /tch |
/tch [channelNumber] | to join a specific channel | /tch 3 |
If your current channel is PRIVATE, you can't use any video commands without knowing channel's [PASSWORD]. You have to write this [PASSWORD] before your video links. Example: /tk 1234a2esa
Command | Optional | Help | Example |
/tk help | tk commands list | /tk help | |
/tk [video link] | params | plays your video link | /tk loop |
/url [webpage link] | opens a web page | /url |
Command | Help | Example |
/tch help | tch commands list | /tch help |
/tch open [channelName] [PASSWORD] | adds a new channel | /tch open room3 as23ad2 |
/tch close [channelNumber] | removes a channel | /tch close 3 |
- Don't use
in your [channelName] or [PASSWORD].- Setting [PASSWORD] is optional.
- You can't remove channels
Command | Help | Example |
/tpass help | tpass commands list | /tpass help |
/tpass [channelNumber] [PASSWORD] | sets new password for a channel | /tpass 3 a23das2 |
/tpass [channelNumber] off | removes channel's password | /tpass 3 off |
- Don't use
in your [PASSWORD].
Command | Help | Example |
/tban help | tban commands list | /tban help |
/tban all | only Moderators and Owner can use commands | /tban all |
/tban [user handle] | bans user from using commands | /tban tiki-8591 |
/tban off | removes all banned users | /tban off |
/tban off [user handle] | removes banned user | /tban off tiki-8591 |
- [user handle] Example: username-9999
- [user handle] is not caseSensitive.
(Optional parameters used for video commands)
Source | Parameter | Help |
all Sources | any official parameter | e.g. twitch can have &t=00h00m00s to play from specific time.(using &seprated parameters you can have more than one param) |
youtube | loop | to repeat playing same video. |
youtube | list | to play videos in playlist. |
you can use '/tk params' to see a list of usefull parameters.
Version | Log |
2.1 | showing video/music titles on load |
2.0 | now you can use simple scripts to change channels + you can set default urls for all channels in edit mode |
1.7 | people will join at the current time of video (not from the begining) (youtube tracks only) |
1.6 | now you can add video source's official embed parameters for more customization. |
1.5 | fixed priority of ban check in script structure. added a bunch of report messages (private chat). |
1.4 | "/tkey" -> "/tpass" and now owner will get debug (Ctrl + D) message for each media request. |
1.3 | adding "/tban all" and the ability to set password for public channel |