This repository is a modification of examples demonstrated in richardbeare's repository using the itkAnalyzeObjectMap reading/writing class for ITK by Hawley & Johnson.
CreateAnalyzeObjectMapLabel takes in a nifti file containing objects of different intensities and converts to Mayo Clinic Analyze Object Map format [.obj]. Modification made allowed labelling of objects according to name specified in the required input text file. This script is useful to combine multiple objects created in nifti format into object maps accompanied by desired labels (object names in Analyze Software).
ITK += 4.0
CMAKE += 2.6
mkdir itkCreateAnalyzeObjectMapLabel/build
cd itkCreateAnalyzeObjectMapLabel/build
ccmake ../ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Test should pass without failure