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Experiments with AutoYaST and Multipath

Ancor Gonzalez Sosa edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 3 revisions

Some experiments that were performed in order to clarify the real usage of the drive types CT_DISK and CT_DMMULTIPATH and of the parameter general/storage/start_multipath when importing (i.e. applying) an AutoYaST profile in SLE-12-SP4.

See bsc#1130988 for some context information.

All of the tests were performed without bios_id=0x80. You can use edd=off to prevent bios_id to introduce noise in your experiments, although it didn't work in some of my tests. You can also use EFI.

Martin's Scenario

Only one multipath device and only one drive in profile

start_mp type MP activated Device matched Note
(missing) CT_DISK no first individual disk - sda
(missing) CT_DMMULTIPATH no none
true CT_DISK yes first individual disk - sda BootStorage err. Missing '/'
true CT_DMMULTIPATH yes multipath device

Imo's scenario A

System with no multipath devices (2 disks)

start_mp type (/ + /home) MP activated Devices matched
irrelevant CT_DISK x2 no individual disks, by position
irrelevant CT_DMMULTIPATH x2 no error. Why?
irrelevant CT_DMMULTIPATH no first individual disk?

Imo's scenario B

System with one regular disk and one multipath

Important: when multipath is activated, the targetmap contains this (in that order):

  • /dev/mapper/QEMU_HARDDISK_0001 - CT_DMMULTIPATH - devices: (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc)
  • /dev/mapper/QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00001 - CT_DMMULTIPATH - devices: (/dev/sda)
  • /dev/sda - CT_DISK
  • /dev/sdb - CT_DISK
  • /dev/sdc - CT_DISK
start_mp type (/ + /home) MP activated Devices matched Note
true CT_DM x2 yes QEMU_HARDDISK_0001 + QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00001
true CT_DISK + CT_DM yes sda + QEMU_HARDDISK_0001 BootStorage err. Missing '/'
true CT_DM + CT_DISK yes QEMU_HARDDISK_0001 + sda /home (that was assigned to sda) was ignored
false CT_DM x2 no? none?
false CT_DISK x2 no? it works... but how it matches?

See also (to be turned into a similar table)