A Shiny Application which Calculates the optimal price of Product depending upon the Category and subcategory the Product belongs to. The aim of the project is to give the price that a seller might want to list the product. Furthermore the product will also determine the product the could be combined with this selling product in the form of combo to effectively increase the value of the product
The Price Prediction Algorithm is implemented using L1 AND L2 regularised Regression while the similar products and combo products is determined using the standard clustering algorithm. The whole project is implemented using R including Shiny Web application which is serving as a user Interface
- Predictions L1, Predictions L2, HomeTable.csv which are the files generated in the proccess of making the model
- Final_model1.rda - The Final model
- Jupyter File detailng the process that was followed in wrangling and modelling
The Web application can be accessed here