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Grant Sanderson 3b1b
I make videos about math.


Tyr Chen tyrchen
father, programming enthusiast, author and entrepreneur.

@tubi Bellevue, WA

Yanick.xia yanickxia
to be better.

Bytedance China

云微 yunwei37
Stupid but Curious about the world

eunomia-bpf SF

Michael Yuan juntao

Second State Austin, TX, USA

chyyuu chyyuu
I'm teaching & researching OS/Compiler in Dept. of Computer Sci. & Tech., Tsinghua Univ.

Tsinghua Unviersity Beijing, China

yobrave chinanf-boy
2022-1-1 Looking for part time job if you have, please email 前端兼职/软件开发,请通过邮件,联系我

广州 guangzhou.china

Zhenchao Wang plotor

@bytedance China Hangzhou

jeremyhi fengjiachun
Senior Reboot Engineer,

Greptime Hangzhou/Dalian China

hengyunabc hengyunabc
横云断岭, Spring Boot, APM, Arthas, Dubbo 微信公众号:横云断岭的专栏


Zhendong Liu dongeforever
Cofounder, PMC Member of Apache RocketMQ. 长期招人,欢迎加微信dongeforever.


huhu wenweihu86
microservice, highly concurrent distributed system, advertising system.
Neptune HaojunRen
Nepxion 开源社区创始人,Nacos Group Member,Spring Cloud Alibaba、Nacos、Sentinel、OpenTracing Committer & Contributor

Nepxion Shanghai, China

louxiu louxiu


Andrei Pangin apangin
JVM hacker with HotSpot development background. Java Champion. Top #JVM answerer on Stack Overflow. Author of async-profiler.
wangzhi farmerjohngit

@mogujie 杭州

dennis zhuang killme2008
To be a good man. CEO &

@GreptimeTeam Sunnyvale, CA

负雪明烛 fuxuemingzhu

BUPT Beijing,China

刘正阳 | liuzhengyang
博客: 公众号: bytejava

bytejava Beijing

Nick Hill njhill

Red Hat San Jose, California

smallnest smallnest
百度 Go CMC 委员会主席,技术图书和专栏作者, 微服务框架作者

Baidu China

YuanHu YuanHuCoding
I'm a good man.

Professional Nanjing, China

李鼎 oldratlee
Nobody is perfect, Mmm~ I'm nobody and a new dad! ☕️Java🍩@Kotlin🐍@python🐚Shell💎@vim🦫@golang 🦏JS 👓C# 🦀@rust-lang 🛠C++ 🔞@scala 🍥@clojure📞@erlang

PDD @taobao @aliyun @alibaba Shanghai ⇌ Hangzhou Zhejiang, China

Kai Wang wangkaish
learning on the way

grea Shanghai

Kris Mok rednaxelafx
Worked on the HotSpot and Zing JVMs in the past. Now working on Spark at Databricks. Compiler and managed runtime enthusiast.

Databricks Sunnyvale, CA

Lipeng (William) Wang WANG-lp

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong

Max Lv madeye
Manager of Architecture at NVIDIA

NVIDIA Shanghai, China

时无两丶 carryxyh
people see with eyes, seen then believe.

bytedance @apache Earth

Trustin Lee trustin
the best is yet to come

@netty South Korea

Tesla Zhang‮ ice1000
Type theory daisuki

@plctlab Pennsylvania, Gensokyo

李夏驰 oldmanpushcart 中国浙江省杭州市

Norman Maurer normanmaurer
Norman Maurer is currently employed by Apple as a Distinguished Engineer where he is part of Apple Cloud Services

@Apple @netty @apache Germany

Jack Hart stateIs0
software engineer,golang & Java
Mercy Ma mercyblitz
大家好,我是小马哥 微信 : mercyblitz-1985

OpenSource Hangzhou, China

@wangyapu wangyapu


曹祖鹏 JoeCao
Programming is not just my job, it's my passion.


the_flash lightningMan
《跟闪电侠学 Netty 》作者:

美团 ShangHai China

梁飞 liangfei0201

Alibaba Hangzhou, China

xujingfeng lexburner
Software Engineer. Enthusiasm on knowledge sharing, be good at Java. Hangzhou, China

芋道源码 YunaiV

芋道源码,纯源码解析公众号 Shanghai, China

程序猿DD dyc87112
Dream big, work smart, deliver fast

Shanghai, China