ruby1.9.3 required
###Run to get help ruby cc.rb
###Basic usage replace all files under HelloWorld directory from HelloWorld to WellDone
ruby --encoding=utf-8 cc.rb -f HelloWorld -t WellDone -d 'demo/**/*'
####Here is the magic some similar words will be replaced:
- HelloWorld --> WellDone
- helloWorld --> wellDone
- helloworld --> welldone
- hello_world --> well_done
specify the encoding to utf-8 when the file contains UTF-8 sequence, other option may be gbk
-f specify the word which replace from using camel case
eg.-f hello
-f helloWorld
-f HelloWorld
-t specify the word which replace to using camel case
-d specify the file path
** Matches directories recursively.
* Matches any file
? Matches any one character
-d '/home/**/*.rb'
matches all ruby files in home or subdirecory
-d '/hello*/*'
matches all files in direcory which starts with 'hello'
####version 1.4 change the replace original file logic ####version 1.3 capatible windows path like 'E:\Hello*'