GearPump is a lightweight real-time big data streaming engine. It is inspired by recent advances in the Akka framework and a desire to improve on existing streaming frameworks.
The name GearPump is a reference to the engineering term “gear pump,” which is a super simple pump that consists of only two gears, but is very powerful at streaming water.
We model streaming within the Akka actor hierarchy.
Per initial benchmarks we are able to process 11 million messages/second (100 bytes per message) with a 17ms latency on a 4-node cluster.
For steps to reproduce the performance test, please check Performance benchmark
There is a 20 pages technical paper on typesafe blog, with technical highlights
The latest release binary can be found at:
You can skip step 1 and step 2 if you are using pre-build binaries.
The latest released version is 0.2
- Clone the GearPump repository
git clone
cd gearpump
- Build package
Build a package
## Please use scala 2.11
## The target package path: target/gearpump-$VERSION.tar.gz
sbt clean assembly packArchive ## Or use: sbt clean assembly pack-archive
- Configure
Distribute the package to all nodes. Modify conf/gear.conf
on all nodes. You MUST configure akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname
to make it point to your hostname(or ip), and gearpump.cluster.masters
to represent a list of master nodes.
### Put Akka configuration here
base {
### Required to change!!
### You need to set the ip address or hostname of this machine
akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname = ""
### This is the default configuration for gearpump
### To use the application, you at least need to change gearpump.cluster to point to right master
gearpump {
### Required to change!!
### You need to set the master cluster address here
### For example, you may start three master
### on node1: bin/master -ip node1 -port 3000
### on node2: bin/master -ip node2 -port 3000
### on node3: bin/master -ip node3 -port 3000
### Then you need to set the cluster.masters = ["node1:3000","node2:3000","node3:3000"]
cluster {
masters = [""]
- Start Master nodes
Start the master daemon on all nodes you have configured in gearpump.cluster.masters
. If you have configured gearpump.cluster.masters
cluster {
masters = ["node1:3000", "node2:3000"]
Then start master daemon on node1
and node2
## on node1
cd gearpump-$VERSION
bin/master -ip node1 -port 3000
## on node2
cd gearpump-$VERSION
bin/master -ip node1 -port 3000
We support Master HA and allow master to start on multiple nodes.
- Start worker
Start multiple workers on one or more nodes.
- Submit application jar and run
You can submit your application to cluster by providing an application jar. For example, for built-in examples, the jar is located at examples/gearpump-examples-assembly-$VERSION.jar
## To run WordCount example
bin/gear app -jar examples/gearpump-examples-assembly-$VERSION.jar org.apache.gearpump.streaming.examples.wordcount.WordCount -master node1:3000
Check the wiki pages for more on build and running examples in local modes.
This is what a GearPump WordCount looks like.
object WordCount extends App with ArgumentsParser {
def application(config: ParseResult) : AppDescription = {
val partitioner = new HashPartitioner()
val split = TaskDescription(classOf[Split].getName, splitNum)
val sum = TaskDescription(classOf[Sum].getName, sumNum)
// Here we define the dag
val dag = Graph(split ~ partitioner ~> sum)
val app = AppDescription("wordCount", classOf[AppMaster].getName, appConfig, dag)
val config = parse(args)
val context = ClientContext(config.getString("master"))
For detailed description on writing a GearPump application, please check Write GearPump Applications on the wiki.
For more documentation and implementation details, please visit GearPump Wiki.
We'll have QnA and discussions at GearPump User List.
Issues should be reported to GearPump GitHub issue tracker and contributions are welcomed via pull requests
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
The netty transport code work is based on Apache Storm. Thanks Apache Storm contributors.