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SailPoint IdentityNow PowerShell Module

NOTE: This is not an official SailPoint Module.

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A PowerShell Module enabling simple methods for accessing the SailPoint IdentityNow REST API's.

This PowerShell Module has been written to fulfil my colleagues IdentityNow automation needs. It is based heavily off the extensive work I've done reverse engineering the SailPoint IdentityNow Portal in order to allow me to orchestrate IdentityNow using PowerShell. That work is covered on my blog here

SailPoint IdentityNow is a SaaS product. The functions and functionality of it is constantly evolving as are the API's that underpin those functions. As such I've attempted to keep each cmdlet lean. The ability to submit a request and get something back.

I get a lot of requests for assistance with IdentityNow API integration so here is a module that makes the barrier to entry considerably lower. You may find it helpful and may even wish to comment or contribute. I have hosted the source on GitHub (


  • Easy command-line use, after setting default configuration options and securely saving them to the current user's profile.
  • Get an IdentityNow Organisation and Get / Update an Organisation Configuration
  • Test IdentityNow Credentials
  • Get IdentityNow Queue
  • Get IdentityNow Active Jobs
  • Get IdentityNow Org Status
  • Get / Set IdentityNow TimeZone
  • Search IdentityNow Users
  • Search IdentityNow Users Profiles
  • Search IdentityNow Entitlements
  • Search IdentityNow Identities
  • Search IdentityNow Access Profiles, Account Activities, Accounts, Aggregations, Entitlements, Events, Identities, Roles
  • Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Access Profiles
  • Get Access Profiles associated with an IdentityNow Application
  • Create / Get / Start IdentityNow Certification Campaigns
  • Get IdentityNow Certification Campaign Reports (output to file or return as PSObject)
  • Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Governance Groups
  • Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Roles
  • Get / Update / Test / Create / Remove IdentityNow Sources
  • Get IdentityNow Source Schema
  • Create IdentityNow Source Account Schema Attributes
  • Export IdentityNow Configuration
  • Generate IdentityNow Sources Configuration Report
  • Generate IdentityNow Identity Profiles Configuration Report
  • Get Accounts from an IdentityNow Source
  • Create / Update / Remove IdentityNow Source Account (Flat File / Delimited Sources)
  • Create / Update IdentityNow Source Entitlements (Flat File / Delimited Sources)
  • Join IdentityNow Account
  • Get / Complete IdentityNow Tasks
  • Get IdentityNow Virtual Appliance Clusters (and clients (VA's))
  • Get / Update IdentityNow Applications
  • Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Transforms
  • Set Identity Transforms Lookup
  • Get IdentityNow Rules
  • Get / Update Email Templates
  • Create / Get / Remove IdentityNow Identity Profiles
  • Refresh an IdentityNow Identity Profile
  • Get / Update IdentityNow Profiles Order
  • Get / Update Identity Attributes
  • Get Identity Attribute Preview
  • Create / Get / Remove API Management Clients (Legacy v2)
  • Create / Get / Remove oAuth API Clients (v3)
  • Search Events - Elasticsearch
  • List Account Activities
  • Get Account Activity
  • Reset an IdentityNow Source
  • .... and if they don't fit Invoke-IdentityNowRequest to make any other API call (examples for Get Source Schema, Get IdentityNow Identity Profiles, Get IdentityNow Identity Attributes)


v1.0.6 and later

No dependencies. v1.0.6 and later is compatible with PowerShell Desktop 5+ and PowerShell Core 6+ / PowerShell 7

v1.0.5 and earlier

The dependencies are PowerShell version 5 and the PowerShell Community eXtension. If for some reason (like you're on an airgapped network), you can get PSCx it from here

To install either...

  • Download the module files from the GitHub Repo
  • As an Administrator execute the script Install-IdentityNowModule.ps1


  • From an Admin PowerShell session, install from the PowerShell Gallery
install-module -name SailPointIdentityNow

or after a clone of the repo:

Remove-Module SailPointIdentityNow; ipmo .\SailPointIdentityNow.psm1; Update-FormatData .\SailPointIdentityNow.Format.ps1xml


These examples are also available as an interactive PowerShell Jupyter Notebook. You can download the examples PowerShell Jupyter Notebook from here.

To get started with Local PowerShell Jupyter Notebook see this post.

Setting up Credentials and Organisation Configuration

Reference Post Note: You can configure oAuth Client Authentication configuration and then use the New-IdentityNowAPIClient cmdlet to generate the v2 API Client.

Update: Aug 2020 - v2 API Clients have been deprecated for API use. They still exist for VA use and can still be generated, but now must reference the VA Cluster. The New-IdentityNowAPIClient now contains the mandatory -clusterId option to achieve this.

Update: June 2021 - The Password Grant Type has been deprecated. Reference Post Configuring access and credentials for IdentityNow MUST utilise Personal Access Tokens. While logged into the IdentityNow Portal select your Identity Name in the top right corner of the menu, select Preferences => Personal Access Tokens => New Token => Create.

$orgName = "customername-sb"
Set-IdentityNowOrg -orgName $orgName

# IdentityNow Admin User
$adminUSR = "identityNow_admin_User"
$adminPWD = 'idnAdminUserPassword'
$adminCreds = [pscredential]::new($adminUSR, ($adminPWD | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

# IdentityNow Personal Access Token as generated through the IdentityNow Portal and your personal identity profile preferences
$patClientID = 'yourClientID'
$patClientSecret = 'yourClientSecret'
$patCreds = [pscredential]::new("$($patClientID)", ($patClientSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

Set-IdentityNowCredential -AdminCredential $adminCreds -PersonalAccessToken $patCreds

Optional v2 Credentials are now only used for VA's. If you have previously generated v2 creds and wish to utilise them with Invoke-IdentityNowRequest, they can be saved to your profile.


# IdentityNow API Client ID & Secret generated using New-IdentityNowAPIClient
$clientID = 'zo7ABCDaTHjA0Rwv'
# Your API Client Secret
$clientSecret = '3Zm9Qod4sWhihABCdefgCX9DIfmwAZiP'
$v2Creds = [pscredential]::new($clientID, ($clientSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force))

Set-IdentityNowCredential -AdminCredential $adminCreds -v3APIKey $v3Creds -v2APIKey $v2Creds -PersonalAccessToken $patCreds

Note: you can use New-IdentityNowAPIClient to generate v2 credentials after setting just the v3 credentials (via the IdentityNow Portal for your first API key).

or with credential prompts

    Set-IdentityNowOrg 'myPrimaryIDNOrg'
    Save-IdentityNowConfiguration -default

    Set-IdentityNowOrg 'mySecondaryIDNOrg'

Switch IdentityNow Credentials. From v1.0.5 if you have multiple credentials save you can switch the credentials used (to switch IdentityNow Org's).


Set-IdentityNowOrg 'otherOrg'

Switch IdentityNow Credentials and make them the default configuration. From v1.0.5 if you have multiple credentials save you can switch the credentials used (to switch IdentityNow Org's).


Set-IdentityNowOrg 'otherOrg'
Save-IdentityNowConfiguration -default

IdentityNow PowerShell Module Cmdlets

Get-Command -Module SailPointIdentityNow | Sort-Object Name | Get-Help | Format-Table Name, Synopsis -Autosize

Name                                        Synopsis
----                                        --------
Complete-IdentityNowTask                    Complete an IdentityNow Task.
Convert-UnixTime                            Convert UnixTime to PowerShell DateTime
Export-IdentityNowConfig                    Export IdentityNow configuration items
Get-HashString                              Generate IdentityNow Admin User Password Hash to obtain oAuth Access Token.
Get-IdentityNowAccessProfile                Get an IdentityNow Access Profile(s).
Get-IdentityNowAccountActivities            Get IdentityNow Activities.
Get-IdentityNowAccountActivity              Get IdentityNow Activity for an account.
Get-IdentityNowActiveJobs                   Get IdentityNow Active Jobs.
Get-IdentityNowAPIClient                    Get IdentityNow API Client(s).
Get-IdentityNowApplication                  Get IdentityNow Application(s).
Get-IdentityNowApplicationAccessProfile     Get IdentityNow Access Profile(s) of an application.
Get-IdentityNowAuth                         Get IdentityNow JWT access token or basic auth header.
Get-IdentityNowCertCampaign                 Get IdentityNow Certification Campaign(s).
Get-IdentityNowCertCampaignReport           Get IdentityNow Certification Campaign Report(s).
Get-IdentityNowEmailTemplate                Get IdentityNow Email Template(s).
Get-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup              Get an IdentityNow Governance Group.
Get-IdentityNowIdentityAttribute            Get an IdentityNow Identity Attribute(s).
Get-IdentityNowIdentityAttributePreview     Get an IdentityNow Identity Attribute Mapping Preview.
Get-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient               Get IdentityNow oAuth API Client(s).
Get-IdentityNowOrg                          Displays the default Uri value for all or a particular Organisation based on configured OrgName.
Get-IdentityNowOrgConfig                    Get IdentityNow Org Global Reminders and Escalation Policies Configuration.
Get-IdentityNowOrgStatus                    Get an IdentityNow Org Status.
Get-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken          List IdentityNow Personal Access Tokens.
Get-IdentityNowProfile                      Get IdentityNow Identity Profile(s).
Get-IdentityNowProfileOrder                 Get IdentityNow Profiles Order.
Get-IdentityNowQueue                        Get IdentityNow Queues.
Get-IdentityNowRole                         Get an IdentityNow Role(s).
Get-IdentityNowRule                         Get IdentityNow Rule(s).
Get-IdentityNowSource                       Get IdentityNow Source(s).
Get-IdentityNowSourceAccounts               Get IdentityNow Accounts on a Source.
Get-IdentityNowSourceSchema                 Get the Schema for an IdentityNow Source.
Get-IdentityNowTask                         Get an IdentityNow Task(s).
Get-IdentityNowTimeZone                     Get IdentityNow Time Zone(s).
Get-IdentityNowTransform                    Get IdentityNow Transform(s).
Get-IdentityNowVACluster                    Get IdentityNow Virtual Appliance Cluster(s).
Invoke-IdentityNowAggregateSource           Initiate Aggregation of an IdentityNow Source.
Invoke-IdentityNowRequest                   Submit an IdentityNow API Request.
Invoke-IdentityNowSourceReset               Reset an IdentityNow Source.
Join-IdentityNowAccount                     Join an IdentityNow User Account to an Identity.
New-IdentityNowAccessProfile                Create an IdentityNow Access Profile.
New-IdentityNowAPIClient                    Create an IdentityNow v2 API Client for use with a Virtual Appliance.
New-IdentityNowCertCampaign                 Create an IdentityNow Certification Campaign.
New-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup              Create a new IdentityNow Governance Group.
New-IdentityNowIdentityProfilesReport       Generate a HTML Report of IdentityNow Identity Profiles and export each Identity Profile config.
New-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient               Create an IdentityNow v3 oAuth API Client.
New-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken          Create an IdentityNow v3 oAuth Personal Access Token.
New-IdentityNowProfile                      Create new IdentityNow Identity Profile(s).
New-IdentityNowRole                         Create an IdentityNow Role.
New-IdentityNowSource                       Create an IdentityNow Source.
New-IdentityNowSourceAccountSchemaAttribute Discover or add to a sources account schema.
New-IdentityNowSourceConfigReport           Generate a HTML Report of IdentityNow Sources configuration and export each Source and Schema config.
New-IdentityNowSourceEntitlements           Create/Update IdentityNow Entitlements on a Flat File Source.
New-IdentityNowTransform                    Create an IdentityNow Transform.
New-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount            Create an IdentityNow User Account on a Flat File Source.
Remove-IdentityNowAccessProfile             Delete an IdentityNow Access Profile.
Remove-IdentityNowAPIClient                 Delete an IdentityNow API Client.
Remove-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup           Delete an IdentityNow Governance Group.
Remove-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient            Delete an IdentityNow oAuth API Client.
Remove-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken       Delete a personal access token in IdentityNow.
Remove-IdentityNowProfile                   Delete an IdentityNow Identity Profile.
Remove-IdentityNowRole                      Delete an IdentityNow Role.
Remove-IdentityNowSource                    Deletes an IdentityNow Source.
Remove-IdentityNowTransform                 Delete an IdentityNow Transform.
Remove-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount         Delete an IdentityNow User Account on a Flat File Source.
Save-IdentityNowConfiguration               Saves default IdentityNow configuration to a file in the current users Profile.
Search-IdentityNow                          Search IdentityNow Access Profiles, Account Activities, Accounts, Aggregations, Entitlements, Events, Identities, Roles.      
Search-IdentityNowEntitlements              Get IdentityNow Entitlements.
Search-IdentityNowEvents                    Search IdentityNow Event(s) using Elasticsearch queries.
Search-IdentityNowIdentities                Search IdentityNow Identitie(s) using Elasticsearch queries.
Search-IdentityNowUserProfile               Get an IdentityNow Users Identity Profile.
Search-IdentityNowUsers                     Get IdentityNow Users.
Set-IdentityNowCredential                   Sets the default IdentityNow API credentials.
Set-IdentityNowOrg                          Sets the default Organisation name for an IdentityNow Tenant.
Set-IdentityNowTimeZone                     Set IdentityNow Time Zone.
Set-IdentityNowTransformLookup              Update lookup transform
Start-IdentityNowCertCampaign               Start an IdentityNow Certification Campaign that is currently 'Staged'.
Start-IdentityNowProfileUserRefresh         Triggers a user refresh for an IdentityNow Identity Profile(s).
Test-IdentityNowCredentials                 Tests IdentityNow Live credentials.
Test-IdentityNowSourceConnection            Tests connection on an IdentityNow Source.
Test-IdentityNowTransforms                  Test IdentityNow transforms to detect common problems
Update-IdentityNowAccessProfile             Update an IdentityNow Access Profile(s).
Update-IdentityNowApplication               Update an IdentityNow Application.
Update-IdentityNowEmailTemplate             Update an IdentityNow Email Template.
Update-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup           Add or Remove member(s) from an IdentityNow Governance Group.
Update-IdentityNowIdentityAttribute         Update an IdentityNow Identity Attribute to be listed in Identity Profiles.
Update-IdentityNowOrgConfig                 Update IdentityNow Org Global Reminders and Escalation Policies Configuration.
Update-IdentityNowProfileMapping            Update IdentityNow Profile Attribute Mapping.
Update-IdentityNowProfileOrder              Update IdentityNow Profile Order.
Update-IdentityNowRole                      Update an IdentityNow Role.
Update-IdentityNowSource                    Update the configuration of an IdentityNow Source.
Update-IdentityNowTransform                 Update an IdentityNow Transform.
Update-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount         Update an IdentityNow User Account on a Flat File Source.

Get an IdentityNow Organisation and Get / Update an Organisation Configuration

  • Display the configured IdentityNow Organisation as set by "Set-IdentityNowOrg"
  • API endpoints for currently configured organisation



Name                           Value                                                                                                                                     
----                           -----                                                                                                                                     
Organisation Name              customer-sb
Organisation URI     
v1 Base API URI      
v2 Base API URI      
v3 Base API URI      
Private Base API URI 

Update an IdentityNow Organisation Setting Reference post


# Get Current Config
$orgConfig = Get-IdentityNowOrgConfig
# Get Fallback Approver User Profile
$fallbackApprover = (Search-IdentityNowUserProfile -query "darren.robinson").alias

$approvalConfig = $orgConfig.approvalConfig

# global reminders and escalation policies for access request approvals
$daysBetweenReminders = 3
$daysTillEscalation = 5
$maxReminders = 10

# Set Config options to update
$approvalConfig.daysBetweenReminders = $daysBetweenReminders
$approvalConfig.daysTillEscalation = $daysTillEscalation
$approvalConfig.maxReminders = $maxReminders
$approvalConfig.fallbackApprover = $fallbackApprover
$approvalConfigBody = @{"approvalConfig" = $approvalConfig }

Update-IdentityNowOrgConfig -update ($approvalConfigBody | convertto-json)

Test IdentityNow Credentials

Test saved IdentityNow PowerShell Module credentials. Validates the saved credentials (v2 and v3) against the configured Org.



Test IdentityNow Transforms

Test IdentityNow transforms to detect common problems



Get IdentityNow Queue

Query the IdentityNow Org for currently queued events. Equivalent of the Portal Dashboard -> monitor, how busy in your tenant



Get IdentityNow Active Jobs

Query the IdentityNow Org for Active Jobs. Equivalent of the Portal Dashboard -> monitor, how busy in your tenant



Get IdentityNow Org Status

Query the IdentityNow Org for current status. Equivalent of the info you see on the Overview page. A count of Identities, VAs, Sources, and Applications including any in an error state,



Get IdentityNow TimeZone(s)

Get the configured Organisation Time Zone configuration



Get a list of time zones that can be configured.


Get-IdentityNowTimeZone -list

Set IdentityNow Time Zone

Set the time zone for an IdentityNow Organisation to a valid value (as retrieved using Get-IdentityNowTimeZone - list)


Set-IdentityNowTimeZone -tz 'Australia/Sydney'

Search IdentityNow Users

Search for IdentityNow Users Reference post


Search-IdentityNowUsers -query darrenjrobinson
Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darren.robinson)"
Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@source(id:2c91808469110d6a016954d4dad138a3)"
Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@access(*Active Directory*) AND" 

Search IdentityNow Users Profiles

Search for a user's IdentityNow Profile from the IdentityNow Identity List Reference post - See Profile Owner Section


Search-IdentityNowUserProfile -query "darrenjrobinson"

Search IdentityNow Entitlements

Search for Entitlements associated with IdentityNow Sources Reference post


Search-IdentityNowEntitlements -query "File_Share_Sydney"

Search for entitlements on a Source. Use Source externalId (rather than Source Name)


Search-IdentityNowEntitlements -query ""

Search IdentityNow Access Profiles, Account Activities, Accounts, Aggregations, Entitlements, Events, Identities, Roles

A Search cmdlet that allows you to specify the search indice.

query Query in Elasticsearch Syntax Reference Elasticsearch Syntax

limit results to be returned

indice (required) v3 Search Indice to search. valid indices are "accessprofiles", "accountactivities", "accounts", "aggregations", "entitlements", "events", "identities", "roles"

nested (optional) defaults to True Indicates if nested objects from returned search results should be included


Search-IdentityNow -query "'Active Directory'" -indice "accessprofiles" -nested $false


Search-IdentityNow -query "" -indice "entitlements" -nested $false


Search-IdentityNow -query "@accounts.entitlementAttributes.'App_Group_*'" -indice "accounts" -nested $false

Search IdentityNow Identities (Beta - Elasticsearch)

Search IdentityNow Identities using the new IdentityNow Search (Elasticsearch). Results defaults to 2500. If you want more or less use the -searchLimit option.

Reference Elasticsearch Syntax

Search for Entitlements that include the name 'File Share' including nested groups.


$queryFilter = '{"query":{"query":"@access(type:ENTITLEMENT AND name:*File Share*)"},"includeNested":true}'
Search-IdentityNowIdentities -filter $queryFilter 

Search for Entitlements that include the name 'File Share' including nested groups but only return 100 results


$queryFilter = '{"query":{"query":"@access(type:ENTITLEMENT AND name:*File Share*)"},"includeNested":true}'
Search-IdentityNowIdentities -filter $queryFilter -searchLimit 100

Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Access Profiles

Get all IdentityNow Access Profiles Reference post



Get a specific IdentityNow Access Profile

Get-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profileID 2c91808369a606f00169c756f0a00017

Create an IdentityNow Access Profile

Example 1

New-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profile "{"entitlements":  ["2c91808668dcf3970168dd722e7a020d","2c91808468dcf4610168dd78d2e8531e"],"description":  "FS-SYDNEY-AUS-ENGINEERING","requestCommentsRequired":  true,"sourceId":  "39082","approvalSchemes":  "manager","ownerId":  "1397606","name":  "Sydney Engineering","deniedCommentsRequired":  true}"

Example 2

# Get Owner for Access Profile
$owner = Search-IdentityNowUserProfile -query "darren.robinson"

# Get Source for Access Profile
$sources = Get-IdentityNowSource 
$adSource = $sources | Select-Object | Where-Object {$ -like '*Active Directory*'}

# Entitlements
$entitlement = Search-IdentityNowEntitlements -query "FS-SYDNEY-AUS-ENGINEERING"
$e = $entitlement | Select-Object | Where-Object {$ -eq 'Active Directory'}

# Access Profile Details
$accessProfile = @{}
$accessProfile.add("name", "Sydney Engineering")
$accessProfile.add("description", "FS-SYDNEY-AUS-ENGINEERING")
$accessProfile.add("sourceId", $
$accessProfile.add("ownerId", $

# Access Profile Entitlements
$entitlements = @()
ForEach($i in $e) {$entitlements += $}
$entitlementsToAdd = @{"entitlements" = $entitlements}
$accessProfile.add("entitlements", $entitlementsToAdd.entitlements)

# Access Profile Type
$accessProfile.add("approvalSchemes", "manager")
$accessProfile.add("requestCommentsRequired", $true)
$accessProfile.add("deniedCommentsRequired", $true)

New-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profile ($accessProfile | convertto-json)

Update an IdentityNow Access Profile

Example 1

Update-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profileID 2c91808466a64e330112a96902ff1f69 -update "{"deniedCommentsRequired":  true,"requestCommentsRequired":  true}"

Example 2

$ap = Get-IdentityNowAccessProfile 
$accessProfile = $ap | Select-Object | Where-Object {$_.description -like '*Darren*'}

$updateAccessProfile = @{} 
$updateAccessProfile.Add("requestCommentsRequired", $true) 
$updateAccessProfile.Add("deniedCommentsRequired", $true) 

Update-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profileID $ -update ($updateAccessProfile | convertto-JSON)

Remove an IdentityNow Access Profile

Example 1

Remove-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profileID 2c91808369a606f00169c756f0a00017

Example 2

$ExistingAPs = Get-IdentityNowAccessProfile
$myAP = $ExistingAPs | Select-Object | Where-Object {$ -like "*My Access Profile*"}
Remove-IdentityNowAccessProfile -profileID $

Update IdentityNow Identity Profile Mapping

Update IdentityNow Profile Attribute Mapping.

Example 1 - Map SamAccountName from the AD Source to Identity Attribute UID on Identity Profile ID 1285

Update-IdentityNowProfileMapping -id 1285 -IdentityAttribute uid -sourceType Standard -source 'AD:SamAccountName'

Example 2 - Map SamAccountName from the AD Source to Identity Attribute UID using Transform 'transform-UID' on Identity Profile ID 1285

Update-IdentityNowProfileMapping -id 1285 -IdentityAttribute uid -sourceType Standard -source @('AD','SamAccountName','transform-UID')

Example 3 - Clear the mapping for UID on Identity Profile ID 1285

Update-IdentityNowProfileMapping -id 1285 -IdentityAttribute uid -sourceType Null 

Example 4 - Map managerDN to the returned value from the 'Rule - IdentityAttribute - Get Manager' rule on Identity Profile ID 1285

Update-IdentityNowProfileMapping -id 1285 -IdentityAttribute managerDn -sourceType Complex -source 'Rule - IdentityAttribute - Get Manager'

Get Access Profiles associated with an IdentityNow Application

Get the IdentityNow Access Profiles associated with an IdentityNow Application.


Get-IdentityNowApplicationAccessProfile -appID 50608

Create / Get / Start IdentityNow Certification Campaigns

Get all (active and completed) IdentityNow Certification Campaigns Reference post


Get-IdentityNowCertCampaign -completed $false

Get a specific IdentityNow Certification Campaign


Get-IdentityNowCertCampaign -campaignID 2c9180856708ae38016709f4812345c3

Create an IdentityNow Certification Campaign

Reference post


$query = "'Special Application'"
$campaignFilter = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query $query  

$entitlements = $null 
$e = $campaignFilter.access | where-object { $_.type -eq "ENTITLEMENT" } | Select-Object id 
$entitlements = $e | Select-Object -Property id -Unique

$roles = $null 
$r = $campaignFilter.access | where-object { $_.type -eq "ROLES" } | Select-Object id 
$roles = $r | Select-Object -Property id  -Unique 

$accessProfiles = $null
$a = $campaignFilter.access | where-object { $_.type -eq "ACCESS_PROFILE" } | Select-Object id 
$accessProfiles = $a | Select-Object -Property id -Unique 

$inclusionList = @()

$InclusionTemplate = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
    id   = $null 
    type = $null 

foreach ($role in $roles) {
    $incRole = $InclusionTemplate.PsObject.Copy()
    $ = $ 
    $incRole.type = "ROLE"
    $inclusionList += $incRole

foreach ($entitlement in $entitlements) {
    $incEntitlement = $InclusionTemplate.PsObject.Copy()
    $ = $ 
    $incEntitlement.type = "ENTITLEMENT"
    $inclusionList += $incEntitlement

foreach ($accessProfile in $accessProfiles) {
    $incAccessProfile = $InclusionTemplate.PsObject.Copy()
    $ = $ 
    $incAccessProfile.type = "ACCESS_PROFILE"
    $inclusionList += $incAccessProfile

$e = $inclusionList | select-object -Property type | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "ENTITLEMENT" }
$a = $inclusionList | select-object -Property type | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "ACCESS_PROFILE" }
$r = $inclusionList | select-object -Property type | Where-Object { $_.type -eq "ROLE" }

write-host -ForegroundColor Blue "Campaign scope covers $($r.type.count) Role(s), $($e.type.count) Entitlement(s) and $($a.type.count) Access Profile(s)."

# Create Campaign
$campaignOptions = @{ }
$campaignOptions.Add("type", "Identity")
$campaignOptions.Add("timeZone", "GMT+1000")
$campaignOptions.Add("name", "Oct 2019 Special App Campaign")
$campaignOptions.Add("allowAutoRevoke", $false)
$campaignOptions.Add("deadline", "2019-11-1")
$campaignOptions.Add("description", "Special App Oct 2019")
$campaignOptions.Add("disableEmail", $true)
$campaignOptions.Add("identityIdList", @())
$campaignOptions.Add("identityQueryString", $query )
$campaignOptions.Add("accessInclusionList", $inclusionList)
$campaignBody = $campaignOptions | ConvertTo-Json

New-IdentityNowCertCampaign -start $true -campaign $campaignBody 

Start IdentityNow Certification Campaigns

Start a Certification Campaign where the campaign(s) have been created using the module and you've looked at the preview via the portal etc and now want to start them.

Start Certification Campaign using ID of the campaign (ID not campaignFilterId)


Start-IdentityNowCertCampaign -campaignID 2c9180856d17db72016d18ed75560036 -timezone GMT+1100


$incompleteCampaigns = Get-IdentityNowCertCampaign -completed $false
$myCampaign = $incompleteCampaigns | select-object | Where-Object {$ -like '*Restricted App X Campaign*'}
Start-IdentityNowCertCampaign -campaignID $ -timezone "GMT+1100"

Get IdentityNow Certification Campaign Reports

Get all certification campaign reports from the last year and output them to a local folder Reference post


Get-IdentityNowCertCampaignReport -period "365" -outputPath "C:\Reports"

Get incomplete certification reports from the last 30 days

Get-IdentityNowCertCampaignReport -period "30" -completed $false

Get certification campaign reports for a specific campaign and return as PSObject


Get-IdentityNowCertCampaignReport -campaignID '2c918085694a507f01694b9fcce6002f' 

Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Governance Groups

Get IdentityNow Governance Groups Reference post



Get a specific IdentityNow Governance Group


Get-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup -groupID 4fc249bd-46ff-405a-93b9-21372f97c352

Update an IdentityNow Governance Group to remove one member and add two members


# Get Group
$govGroups = Get-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup
$myGroup = $govGroups | Select-Object | Where-Object { $_.description -like "*My IDN Governance Group*" }

# Add
$user1 = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darren.robinson)"
$user2 = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:rick.sanchez)"
$user3 = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:morty.smith)"

$add = @() 
$remove = @() 
$add += $
$add += $ 
$remove += $ 

$update = (@{
    add    = $add 
    remove = $remove

Update-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup -groupID $ -update ($update | convertto-json)

Create an IdentityNow Governance Group and assign an owner


$GovGroupOwner = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darren.robinson)"

$body = @{"name"  = "New IDN Module Gov Group"; 
    "displayName" = "New Module Gov Group"; 
    "description" = "New Module Gov Group"; 
    "owner"       = @{"displayName" = $GovGroupOwner.displayName; 
        "emailAddress"        = $; 
        "id"                  = $; 
        "name"                = $                     
New-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup -group ($body | convertto-json) 

Delete an IdentityNow Governance Group

Remove-IdentityNowGovernanceGroup -groupID 4fc249bd-46ff-405a-93b9-21372f97c352

Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Roles

Get IdentityNow Roles Reference post



Get a specific IdentityNow Role


Get-IdentityNowRole -roleID 2c918084691653af01695182a78b05ec

Sort the return of IdentityNow Roles

Sorters are: name, created modified

For reverse sort use: -name -modified -created

Multiple sorts are also valid

Example 1

Get-IdentityNowRole -sorters name 

Example 2

Get-IdentityNowRole -sorters modified, name

Example 3

Get-IdentityNowRole -sorters "-modified", created

Update an IdentityNow Role Reference post


$body = @{
    "id"          = "2c9180886cd58059016d1a4757d709a4"
    "name"        = "Role - Special Admins";
    "displayName" = "Special Admins";
    "description" = "Special Admins Role";
    "disabled"    = $false;
    "owner"       = "darrenjrobinson"             
Update-IdentityNowRole -update ($body | convertto-json)

Create an IdentityNow Role


$body = @{
    "name"        = "Role - Special Administrators";
    "displayName" = "Special Administrators";
    "description" = "Special Administrators Role";
    "disabled"    = $true;
    "owner"       = "darrenjrobinson"             

New-IdentityNowRole -role ($body | convertto-json) 

Delete an IdentityNow Role


Remove-IdentityNowRole -roleID 2c9180886cd58059016d1a5a23f609a8

Get / Update / Test / Create / Remove IdentityNow Sources

Get all IdentityNow Sources

Reference post



Get a specific IdentityNow Source


Get-IdentityNowSource -sourceID 12345

Get Account Profiles associated with a Source Note: If there are no Account Profiles associated with the source, nothing is returned.


Get-IdentityNowSource -sourceID 12345 -accountProfiles

Update an IdentityNow Source Reference post

Note: the format is dependant on the update to the source. e.g Updating a simple attribute is x=value (name=new name). Multiple updates us & to join. e.g name=new name&description=new description Values with special characters need to be URL encoded before sending. Updates to Sources for items such as Filters often require 'connector_' prepended. e.g


Update-IdentityNowSource -sourceID 12345 -update 'description=Attributes that drive Lifecycle and Certification Logic'

Update a Workday Source Response Groups to include Background Check and Account Provisioning data


$WordaySource = Get-IdentityNowSource -sourceID 12345
$RGroups = $WordaySource.Configure_Response_Group
$RGroups.Include_Background_Check_Data = "true"
$RGroups.Include_Account_Provisioning = "true"

$update = ("connector_Configure_Response_Group=$RGroups").Replace("@","")
$update = $update.Replace("true","'true'")
$update = $update.Replace("false","'false'")

Update-IdentityNowSource -sourceID 12345 -update $update 

Test an IdentityNow Source (Health Check)


Test-IdentityNowSourceConnection -sourceid 12345

Create an IdentityNow Source Source type can be 'DIRECT_CONNECT' or 'DELIMITED_FILE' Mandatory attributes are name, description and connectorname (e.g 'JDBC', 'Active Directory', 'Azure Active Directory', 'Web Services', 'ServiceNow')


New-IdentityNowSource -name 'Dev - JDBC - ASQL - Users Table' -description 'Azure SQL users table' -connectorname 'JDBC' -sourcetype DIRECT_CONNECT

Remove an IdentityNow Source


Remove-IdentityNowSource -sourceid 12345

Get IdentityNow Source Schema

Get the Schema for an IdentityNow Source.


Get-IdentityNowSourceSchema -sourceID 12345

Create IdentityNow Source Account Schema Attributes

Discover an IdentityNow Source Schema or add new attributes to the schema for a Source.

Discover Schema changes on a source


New-IdentityNowSourceAccountSchemaAttribute -sourceID 12345 -discover

Create a new string attribute on a source.


New-IdentityNowSourceAccountSchemaAttribute -sourceID 12345 -name 'myNewAttr' -description 'My new attribute' -type 'STRING' 

Export IdentityNow Configuration

Exports IdentityNow Access Profiles, APIClients, Applications, Cert Campaigns, Email Templates, Governance Groups, Identity Attributes, Identity Profiles, OAuth API Clients, Roles, Rules, Sources, Transforms, VAClusters, to files to make comparisons or check into source control.

Example: Export all configuration items

Export-IdentityNowConfig -path 'c:\repos\IDN-Prod'

Example: Export only Rules and Roles configurations

Export-IdentityNowConfig -path 'c:\repos\IDN-Prod' -Items Rules,Roles

IdentityNow Sources Configuration HTML Report

Generate an HTML Report of all configured IdentityNow Sources. Outputs the configuration of each Source and the Source Schema to a local directory

Reference post

Generate a Source Configuration Report to the C:\Reports directory By default the report uses an embedded SailPoint IdentityNow Image logo.


New-IdentityNowSourceConfigReport -reportPath 'C:\Reports'

Generate a Source Configuration Report to the C:\Reports directory and use a custom image from C:\Images\myCompanyLogo-240px.png Image size must be 240px x 82px or close to it.


New-IdentityNowSourceConfigReport -reportPath 'C:\Reports' -reportImagePath 'C:\Images\myCompanyLogo-240px.png'

Generate IdentityNow Identity Profiles Configuration HTML Report

Generate an HTML Report of all configured IdentityNow Identity Profiles. Outputs the configuration of each IdentityNow Identity Profile to a local directory

Reference post

Generate an Identity Profile Configuration Report to the C:\Reports directory By default the report uses an embedded SailPoint IdentityNow Image logo.


New-IdentityNowIdentityProfilesReport -reportPath 'C:\Reports'

Generate an Identity Profile Configuration Report to the C:\Reports directory and use a custom image from C:\Images\myCompanyLogo-240px.png Recommended image size 240px x 82px


New-IdentityNowIdentityProfilesReport -reportPath 'C:\Reports' -reportImagePath 'C:\Images\myCompanyLogo-240px.png'

Get Accounts from an IdentityNow Source

Get accounts from an IdentityNow Source Reference post


Get-IdentityNowSourceAccounts -sourceID 40113

Get Source Accounts with all their attributes. Defaults to False. Using the switch -attributes sets return all attributes to True. Note: Each account is a separate API call. Large sources will take time to return all accounts with attributes.


Get-IdentityNowSourceAccounts -sourceID 40113 -attributes 

Create / Update / Remove IdentityNow Source Account (Flat File / Delimited Sources)

Create an account on an indirect IdentityNow Source Reference post


$account = @{"id"    = 'darrenjrobinson'; 
        "name"        = 'darrenjrobinson'; 
        "givenName"   = 'Darren';             
        "familyName"  = 'Robinson'; 
        "displayName" = 'Darren Robinson'; 
        "email"       = '' 

New-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount -source 36702 -account ($account | convertto-json)

Update an account on an indirect IdentityNow Source Reference post


$update = @{
    "country" = "Australia"
    "department" = "Identity Architects"
    "organization" = "Kloud" 

Update-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount -account 2c91808469110d6a016954d4dad138a3 -update ($update | ConvertTo-Json)

Delete an IdentityNow account from an indirect IdentityNow Source Reference post Example (assumes user only has a single account on an indirect source)

$user = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darrenjrobinson)"
$userIndirectAccounts = $user.accounts | select-object | where-object { ($_.source.type.contains("DelimitedFile")) }
$account = $ 

Remove-IdentityNowUserSourceAccount -account $account 

Create / Update IdentityNow Source Entitlements (Flat File / Delimited Sources)

Create / Update IdentityNow Source Entitlements on Flat File Sources

IMPORTANT: If you are looking to just update an Entitlement you must upload all Entitlements including the changed entitlement. Otherwise only the entitlements you upload will be present and any others will be removed.

The input is PSObject of all the Entitlements for the Source.


    id           : 43367
    name         : Finance
    displayName  : Finance Data
    created      :
    description  : Access to Finance Group data
    modified     :
    entitlements : Finance
    groups       : Finance
    permissions  : Read


    id           : 45318
    name         : Marketing
    displayName  : Marketing Data
    created      :
    description  : Access to Marketing Group data
    modified     :
    entitlements : Marketing
    groups       : Marketing
    permissions  : Read

Example: Create / Update Entitlements on a Flat File Source

New-IdentityNowSourceEntitlements -source 12345 -entitlements $sourceEntitlements

Join IdentityNow Account

Join an IdentityNow User Account to an Identity

Example: Join a single account

Join-IdentityNowAccount -source 12345 -identity jsmith -account jsmith123

Example: Join multiple accounts

        account = $account.nativeIdentity
        displayName = $account.nativeIdentity
        userName = $
        type = $null
$joins | Join-IdentityNowAccount -org $org -source $

Get / Complete IdentityNow Tasks

Get IdentityNow Tasks Reference post



Get a specific IdentityNow Task Example

Get-IdentityNowTask -taskID 2c918084691120d0016926a6a94251d6

Mark and IdentityNow Task as complete Example

Complete-IdentityNowTask -taskID 2c918084691120d0016926a6a94251d6

Get IdentityNow Virtual Appliances & Clusters

Get IdentityNow Virtual Appliance Clusters Reference post



Get IdentityNow Virtual Appliances from a cluster


$clusters = Get-IdentityNowVACluster
foreach($va in $clusters){
    "Cluster: $($va.description) VA ID: $($ VA Description: $($va.client.description)"

Get / Update IdentityNow Applications

Get IdentityNow Customer Created and Managed Applications Reference post



Get IdentityNow Customer default configured SailPoint Applications


Get-IdentityNowApplication -org $true

Get a specific IdentityNow Application


Get-IdentityNowApplication -appID 32128

Update an IdentityNow Application


$appBody = @{ 
    "launchpadEnabled"        = $false   
    "provisionRequestEnabled" = $false
    "appCenterEnabled"        = $false
Update-IdentityNowApplication -appID 24188 -update ($appBody | ConvertTo-Json) 

Get IdentityNow Authentication Headers / Token

Get IdentityNow API Authentication Headers or v3 JWT.

Parameters: authentication header/token to return (defaults to V3JWT)

  • V2Header Digest Auth
  • V3Header oAuth Access Token Bearer Header
  • V3JWT is oAuth JWT Token

Return default JWT



Return v2 Digest Auth Header


Get-IdentityNowAuth -return V2Header

Return v3 oAuth Access Token Bearer Header


Get-IdentityNowAuth -return V3Header

Initiate Aggregation of an IdentityNow Source

Aggregate an IdentityNow Source Reference post


Invoke-IdentityNowAggregateSource -sourceID 12345

Aggregate an IdentityNow Source without optimization Reference post


Invoke-IdentityNowAggregateSource -sourceID 12345 -disableOptimization 

Create / Get / Update / Remove IdentityNow Transforms

Get IdentityNow Transforms



Get an IdentityNow Transform


Get-IdentityNowTransform -ID ToUpper

OPTION: Return transform(s) as JSON. Useful when you have transforms that don't convert to PowerShell objects due to PowerShell's inability to handle case sensitivity in JSON keys.


Get-IdentityNowTransform -ID ToUpper -json
Get-IdentityNowTransform -json

Update an IdentityNow Transform


$attributes = @{value = '$firstName.$lastname@$'}
$transform = @{type = "static"; attributes = $attributes}
Update-IdentityNowTransform -transform ($transform | convertto-json) -ID "Firstname.LastName"

Create an IdentityNow Transform SailPoint Transforms Reference


$attributes = @{value = '$firstName.$lastname'}
$transform = @{type = "static"; id = "FirstName.LastName"; attributes = $attributes}
New-IdentityNowTransform -transform ($transform | convertto-json) 

Delete an IdentityNow Transform


Remove-IdentityNowTransform -ID "Firstname.LastName"

Identity Transforms Lookup

Create or update a dynamic reference transform based on external data. Set-IdentityNowTransformLookup will look to see if the transform exists. If it does it will be updated with the mappings provided. Otherwise it will be created with the mappings provided.


$mappings = @{"US"="+1";"UK"="+44";"AU"="+61"}
Set-IdentityNowTransformLookup -Name "iso3166 2char to e164 prefix" -Mappings $mappings

Get IdentityNow Rules

Get IdentityNow Rules



Get an IdentityNow Rule


Get-IdentityNowRule -ID 2c9170826219ab41014275b47fc40b0a

Get / Update Email Templates

Get Email Templates



Get an Email Template


Get-IdentityNowEmailTemplate -ID 2c91601362431b32016275b4241b08f0

Update Email Template


$templateChanges = @{}
$templateChanges.add("subject",'Access Request requires completion of Work Item ID : $workItemName')

Update-IdentityNowEmailTemplate -template ($templateChanges | ConvertTo-Json)

Get IdentityNow Personal Access Token(s)

List IdentityNow Personal Access Token(s).



Limit number of Personal Access Tokens to return


Get-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken -limit 10

Create an IdentityNow Personal Access Token(s)

Create an IdentityNow Personal Access Token.


New-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken -name "Sean's Sailpoint IdentityNow module"

Optional: If a personal access token needs to be made for an account not saved in this module you can pull the access token from https://{org} after pulling up the admin section See Compass article:


New-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken -name "Sean's Sailpoint IdentityNow module" -accessToken baa2c01cb5674636b8c0f063f3f13db3

Remove an IdentityNow Personal Access Token

Delete an IdentityNow Personal Access Token


Remove-IdentityNowPersonalAccessToken -id 36480043060f4562af28123456

Get IdentityNow Identity Profiles

Get IdentityNow Identity Profiles



Get an IdentityNow Profile


Get-IdentityNowProfile -ID 1033

Create an IdentityNow Identity Profile

Create an IdentityNow Identity Profile. Requires the name for the Identity Profile and the ID of the IdentityNow Source to associated with the IdentityNow Profile


New-IdentityNowProfile -Name Contractors -SourceID 116329

Refresh an IdentityNow Identity Profile

Trigger a user refresh for an IdentityNow Identity Profile.


Start-IdentityNowProfileUserRefresh -ID 116329

Remove IdentityNow Identity Profile(s)

Remove a single or multiple IdentityNow Identity Profiles.

Example - Remove a single IdentityNow Identity Profile

Remove-IdentityNowProfile -profileIDs 1234

Example - Remove multiple IdentityNow Profiles

Remove-IdentityNowProfile -profileIDs 1234,1235,1236

Get / Update IdentityNow Identity Profiles Order

Get IdentityNow Identity Profiles Order



ProfileName           Priority   ID
-----------           --------   --
IdentityNow Admins          10 1066
Cloud Identities            30 1285
Guest Identities            40 1286
Special Identities          60 1372
Non Employee Identities     70 1380
Employee Identities         80 1387

Update IdentityNow Identity Profile Order


Update-IdentityNowProfileOrder -id 1285 -priority 20

Get / Update Identity Attributes

List Identity Attributes that can be used for correlation rules from Sources. Reference Post

List all Identity Attributes that are configured



Get a specific Identity Attribute.


Get-IdentityNowIdentityAttribute -attribute firstname

Add an attribute into the Identity Attributes List that can be used in Correlation Rules This makes the attribute searchable and available for correlation rules. This requires the attribute has first been added to an Identity Profile (under Mapping => Add Attribute) NOTE: the attribute name is case sensitive. It must match what is in IdentityNow.


Update-IdentityNowIdentityAttribute -attribute adsid

Get Identity Attribute Preview

Get an IdentityNow Identity Attribute Mapping Preview. See the before and after attribute values on a person object for a single attribute.

-IDP Identity Profile; (Required) the name or ID of the Identity Profile

Get a preview of changes for user darren.robinson and the 'country' attribute using the Employees Identity Profile.


Get-IdentityNowIdentityAttributePreview -IDP "Employees" -attribute country -uid darren.robinson

Get a preview of the differences for user darren.robinson and the 'c' and 'division' attributes using the Employees Identity Profile.


Get-IdentityNowIdentityAttributePreview -uid darren.robinson -IDP "Employees" -attributes @('division','c') -differencesOnly

Create / Get / Remove API Management Clients (Legacy v2)

Get all v2 API Clients (listed as Legacy in the IdentityNow portal under API Management )



Get a single v2 API Client


Get-IdentityNowAPIClient -ID 123

Create a v2 API Client for VA Cluster 123


New-IdentityNowAPIClient -clusterId 123

Remove a v2 API Client


Remove-IdentityNowAPIClient -ID 123

Create / Get / Remove oAuth API Clients

Get oAuth API (v3) Clients



Get an oAuth API (v3) Client


Get-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient -ID '8432e57d-5f8f-dead-beef-a7bf123456a1'

Create an oAuth API Client (v3)


New-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient -description 'oAuth Client' -grantTypes 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE,CLIENT_CREDENTIALS,REFRESH_TOKEN,PASSWORD' -redirectUris 'https://localhost,'

Remove an oAuth API Client (v3)


Remove-IdentityNowOAuthAPIClient -ID '9e23deaf-48aa-dead-beef-ab6821a12ab2'

Search Events - Elasticsearch

Search IdentityNow Events using the new IdentityNow Search (Elasticsearch) Results defaults to 2500. If you want more or less use the -searchLimit option Search Event Names


$query = @{query = 'technicalName:USER_AUTHENTICATION_STEP_UP_SETUP_*'; type = 'USER_MANAGEMENT'}
$queryFilter = @{query = $query}
Search-IdentityNowEvents -filter ($queryFilter | convertto-json)

Use -searchLimit option to return more (or less) than 2500 results.


$query = @{query = 'technicalName:USER_AUTHENTICATION_*'; type = 'USER_MANAGEMENT'}
$queryFilter = @{query = $query}
Search-IdentityNowEvents -filter ($queryFilter | convertto-json) -searchLimit 5500

List Account Activities

Get Account Activities by Type, Requested By and Requested For,

Get Account Activities by Type


Get-IdentityNowAccountActivities -type appRequest -searchLimit 1000

Get Account Activities request for an Identity


$user = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darren.robinson)"    
Get-IdentityNowAccountActivities -requestedFor $

Get Account Activities requested for an Identity by a specific Identity


$user = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:darren.robinson)"
$mgr = Search-IdentityNowUsers -query "@accounts(accountId:rick.sanchez)"
Get-IdentityNowAccountActivities -requestedFor $ -requestedBy $ 

Get Account Activity

Get an Account Activity item.

Incomplete AppRequests submitted today


$appRequestsIncompleteToday = $today | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'appRequest' -and $_.completionStatus -eq 'INCOMPLETE' -and $_.created -like "*2019-02-25*" } | Select-Object id 
$appRequestsIncompleteToday | ForEach-Object $ | Get-IdentityNowAccountActivity

Reset an IdentityNow Source

Clear IdentityNow of data loaded from a source. Delete the specified source data from a source, while keeping all the configuration intact.


Invoke-IdentityNowSourceReset -sourceID 12345

Don't reset Accounts or Entitlements using the -skip option

Don't reset Entitlements Example

Invoke-IdentityNowSourceReset -sourceID 12345 -skip Entitlements

Don't reset Accounts Example

Invoke-IdentityNowSourceReset -sourceID 12345 -skip Accounts

... and the ultimate flexible cmdlet Invoke-IdentityNowRequest

The cmdlet that lets you do your thing, with a little help. This cmdlet has options for v2 and v3 authentication and will provide the web request headers (with and without content-type = application/json / application/json-patch+json set).

(URI) You supply the URI for the request, the method (POST, GET, DELETE, PATCH) and the request will be sent, and the results sent back. or (API Version and Path) You supply the API version and the path for the API request along with the method (POST, GET, DELETE, PATCH) and the request will be sent, and the results sent back.

  • Hint Get-IdentityNowOrg will show you the API Version to Path mappings

Name                           Value                                                                                                                                     
----                           -----                                                                                                                                     
Organisation Name              customer-sb
Organisation URI     
v1 Base API URI      
v2 Base API URI      
v3 Base API URI      
Private Base API URI 

Request Methods are;

  • Get
  • Put
  • Patch
  • Delete
  • Post

Header options are;

  • HeadersV2 - Headersv2 Digest Auth with no Content-Type set
  • HeadersV3 - Headersv3 is JWT oAuth with no Content-Type set
  • Headersv2_JSON - Headersv2_JSON is Digest Auth with Content-Type set for application/json
  • Headersv3_JSON - Headersv3_JSON is JWT oAuth with Content-Type set for application/json
  • Headersv3_JSON-Patch - Headersv3_JSON is JWT oAuth with Content-Type set for application/json-patch+json

OPTION: -json switch to return request result as JSON.

Example 1 - URI

Get the Schema of a Source Reference post

$orgName = "customer-sb"
$sourceID = "12345"
Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -Method Get -Uri "https://$($orgName)$($sourceID)" -headers HeadersV3                

Example 1 - API & Path

$sourceID = "12345"
Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -API Private -path "source/getAccountSchema/$($sourceID)" -method Get -headers Headersv3               

Example 2 - URI

List Identity Profiles Reference post

$orgName = "customer-sb"
Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -Method Get -Uri "https://$($orgName)" -headers Headersv2_JSON 

Example 2 - API & Path

Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -API V1 -Method Get -path "profile/list" -headers Headersv2_JSON  

Example 3 - URI

Get IdentityNow Identity Attributes Reference post

$orgName = "customer-sb"
Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -Method Get -Uri "https://$($orgName)" -headers HeadersV3 

Example 3 - API & Path

Invoke-IdentityNowRequest -API Private -path "identityAttribute/list" -method Get -headers HeadersV3

Disclaimer - Fine Print

I am not a SailPoint employee. I wrote this for our needs and am sharing it with the community.

**** Please use with caution. These cmdlets come with full functionality. Use this power responsibly AND AT YOUR OWN RISK.****

How can I contribute to the project?

  • Found an issue and want us to fix it? Log it
  • Want to fix an issue yourself or add functionality? Clone the project and submit a pull request.
  • Any and all contributions are more than welcome and appreciated.

More information on managing SailPoint IdentityNow via API

I've written extensive posts on many of these functions. Details are in this section on my blog

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