This is a simple generic Mesos Framework that integrates with Fenzo Scheduler to demonstrate elasticity on the cloud. It leverages Softlayer Auto Scale Group for platform elasticity; it interacts with mesos monitor REST API to determine process elasticity. The framework also recover tasks if it is lost.
There are only a few Mesos features enabled for the Framework for simplicity:
- Define MESOS location
- Define the framework name
- Define Docker Image as task Executor
- Define initial instance number
- Define environment variable for task executors
- Mesos-DNS is enabled: "task-frameworkname.frameworkname.mesos"
There are a set of Fenzo features explored:
- Define framework configurations such as per task cpu, memory, disk, network, or resource allocation limit (max)
- Define offer expiration, delay schedule...
- Unique Host constraint is defined as we use HOST network
- Host Attribute Value Constraint is enabled when is defined
- Auto Scale cluster is enabled when is defined. The default auto scale implementation depends on Softlayer Auto Scale Group
The Framework can be started on Mesos using Marathon. A set of sample Marathon JSON are defined to use Acme Air and its workload to verify the elasticity.
sbt assembly
w/o host attribute, nor auto scale
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d@marathon/marathon-fenzo-acmeair.json $marathonIp:8080/v2/apps
enabled host attribute constraint and auto scale by attribute
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d@marathon/marathon-fenzo-acmeair-attribute.json $marathonIp:8080/v2/apps
sbt "run-main com.mesos.framework.fenzo.FenzoFramework $MESOS_HOST:5050 your-framework-name your-docker-image your-number-of-instances your-environment-for-container-and-task
java -classpath target/scala-2.10/fenzo-framework.jar com.mesos.framework.fenzo.FenzoFramework $MESOS_HOST:5050 your-framework-name your-docker-image your-number-of-instances your-environment-for-container-and-task
Pass at the end of the application parameters in key=value form
Name | Default | Meaning |
task.fenzo.cpu | 1 | cpu core for each task |
task.fenzo.mem | 1024 | memory (MB) for each task |
task.fenzo.disk | 10 | disk (MB) for each task | | 0 | network (MBPs) for each task |
task.fenzo.max.cpu | max CPU for all the tasks | |
task.fenzo.max.mem | max memory (MB) for all the tasks | |
task.fenzo.max.disk | max disk (MB) for all the task | | | max network (MBPs) for all the tasks | |
task.fenzo.min.idle | 1 | the min idle hosts for the framework |
task.fenzo.max.idle | 2 | the max idle hosts for the framework | | 10 | the offer lease expiration in second |
task.fenzo.scale.wait.offer | 5 | wait seconds since last lease expire before scale up. |
task.fenzo.scale.up.delay | 6 | the auto scale up delay in second |
task.fenzo.scale.down.delay | 10 | the auto scale down delay in second |
task.fenzo.scale.interval | 60 | the auto scale action interval |
task.fenzo.schedule.delay | 1 | delay for scheduleOnce loop in second | | the host attribute used to determine placement constraint and when cluster nodes needs to scale |
Name | Default | Meaning |
task.softlayer.user | the softlayer userid | |
task.softlayer.api | the softlayer api key | | | the softlayer auto scale group id |
Depends on Softlayer Auto Scale Group
Create Auto Scale Group with a slave image template. Revise the script as post-install script to auto calculate slave IP and hostname
To verify sale the Auto Scale group manually
curl https://$username:$$groupId/scaleTo/1
Name | Default | Meaning |
task.mesos.threshold.max.cpu | 0.8 | CPU % to trigger scale up |
task.mesos.threshold.max.mem | 0.8 | memory % to trigger scale up |
task.mesos.threshold.min.cpu | 0.2 | CPU % to trigger scale down |
task.mesos.threshold.min.mem | 0.01 | memory % to trigger scale down |
task.mesos.threshold.max.match.all | false | when set to true only trigger scale up when both CPU and MEM are over the limit (AND); when set to false, only need to match one condition (OR) |
task.mesos.threshold.min.match.all | false | when set to true only trigger scale down when both CPU and MEM are over the limit (AND); when set to false, only need to match one condition (OR) |
task.mesos.scale.multiplier | 0.2 | the multiplier to scale up and down |
task.mesos.scale.up.max.multiplier | 2 | the max scale up multiplier. max_instances== multiplier*your-number-of-instances. min_instances==your-number-of-instances. |
task.mesos.monitor.interval | 5 | check task resource usage every n seconds |
- Auto Scale up cluster nodes may be too aggressive.