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πŸš€ Social Network - Server Side

πŸ”Ή Production Version
Click here to access the live production version

🎯 Overview

The backend of Social Network is developed using Java & Spring Boot, offering a secure, scalable, and optimized REST API.
The architecture follows a layered design, ensuring clear separation of concerns:
πŸ“Œ Entities β†’ Repositories β†’ Services β†’ Controllers β†’ DTOs β†’ Responses

This backend provides authentication, caching, real-time updates, email & SMS verification, and scheduled jobs for maintenance. It is fully Dockerized and deployed with CI/CD using GitHub Actions and Render.

πŸ— Tech Stack

πŸ›  Backend Framework: Spring Boot, Java
πŸ”’ Security: Spring Security, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Password Hashing (SHA-256 + Salt)
πŸ“‘ Real-Time Updates: SSE (Server-Sent Events)
πŸ“¦ Database: MySQL (optimized queries & indexes using JPA)
πŸ“¨ Email & SMS Verification: Twilio, Mailgun
πŸ“Έ Cloud Storage: Cloudinary for media uploads
⚑ Caching: Spring Boot Caching for optimized performance
πŸ—„ Scheduled Jobs: CRON Job (session tracking, expired token cleanup)
πŸ“‹ Environment Configuration: Dotenv for managing variables
🐳 Containerization & Deployment: Docker + Render + GitHub Actions (CI/CD)

πŸ”„ System Flow

1️⃣ Frontend to Backend Communication

  • The client (React) sends requests using Axios to RESTful API endpoints.
  • Backend controllers handle the request, then delegate to services.
  • Services process the business logic and interact with repositories.
  • Repositories execute JPA queries on the MySQL database.
  • Caching optimizes responses, and SSE provides real-time updates.
  • All operations are containerized in Docker for scalable deployment.

2️⃣ Authentication & Security

  • User Registration:

    • Strong password validation & uniqueness check (email/phone).
    • If valid, an email is sent with account details.
    • Password is hashed & salted (SHA-256) before storage.
  • Login Process:

    • User enters credentials β†’ JWT is generated.
    • 2FA SMS verification is sent to the phone.
    • On success, session starts & user gains access.
  • Password Reset:

    • User requests reset β†’ Receives email with a unique token.
    • User enters token & new password β†’ New hashed & salted password is saved.
    • Confirmation email is sent.

3️⃣ Data Storage & Optimization

  • MySQL database with efficient JPA queries and indexes.
  • User content (posts, comments, media) stored with Cloudinary integration.
  • Spring Boot Caching improves response times and reduces redundant queries.

4️⃣ Real-Time Notifications & Messaging

  • SSE (Server-Sent Events) used for real-time notifications/messages.
  • Users get instant alerts for likes, follows, and comments.

5️⃣ Automated Jobs & Expiration Handling

  • CRON Jobs run monthly to check for inactive users & send reminders.
  • Token expiration handling ensures security by removing stale sessions.

6️⃣ Deployment & Scaling

  • Dockerized environment ensures consistency across deployments.
  • CI/CD pipeline (GitHub Actions) automates deployment to Render.
  • Environment variables managed securely with .env files.

πŸ“‚ Project Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ .github
β”‚     β”œβ”€β”€ workflow
β”‚         β”œβ”€β”€ deploy.yml # CI/CD GitHub Actions for auto-deployment
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ src/main/java/org.server.socialnetworkserver
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ config          # Security, JWT, Caching & Environment Management
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ controllers     # API endpoints for handling requests
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ dtos            # Data transfer objects for request/response
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ entities        # Database entities (User, Post, Comment, etc.)
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ jobs            # Scheduled tasks (CronJobs)
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ repositories    # JPA repositories for database interaction
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ responses       # Custom API responses
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ services        # Business logic layer
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ test            # Unit & integration tests
β”‚    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ utils           # Helper functions, token & password generators & utilities
β”‚    └── SocialNetworkServerApplication  # Main application with enabled annotations  
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ resources             # Application properties settings  
β”œβ”€β”€ Dockerfile              # Docker container setup  
β”œβ”€β”€ .env                    # Environment variable template for local use  
└──               # Project documentation  

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)


πŸ”„ Installation & Setup

# Clone repository
git clone
cd social-network-server

# Build and run with Maven
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

#DotEnv Example
SMS_TOKEN=You Need SMS Token or Cancel it

# Running with Docker
docker build -t social-network-server .
docker run -p 8080:8080 social-network-server

πŸ“‘ API Communication

User Registration (Secure)

public ValidationResponse addUser(@RequestBody User user) {
    return userService.addUser(user);

Login with 2FA SMS Verification

public LoginResponse loginUser(@RequestBody Map<String, String> loginDetails) {
    return userService.loginUser(loginDetails);

public Map<String, String> verifyCode(@RequestBody Map<String, String> verificationDetails) {
    return userService.verifyCode(verificationDetails);

Password Reset Request

public BasicResponse resetPasswordForThisUser(@PathVariable String email, @PathVariable String username) {
    return userService.resetPasswordForThisUser(email,username);

public BasicResponse confirmResetPassword(@RequestParam String token){
    return userService.confirmPasswordReset(token);

πŸ” Security Features

βœ… JWT Authentication with Expiration Handling
βœ… Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) via SMS
βœ… Password Hashing (SHA-256 + Salt)
βœ… Rate Limiting to Prevent Abuse
βœ… Spring Boot Caching for Optimized Performance
βœ… CORS & Helmet for API Security

πŸ“‘ Real-Time Features

πŸ“‘ SSE for Instant Updates

  • Notifications for likes, comments, follows, messages.
  • Real-time updates without excessive polling.

πŸ“’ Automated Email & SMS Alerts

  • Registration confirmation via email.
  • Password reset email with unique token.

πŸ“… Automated Jobs (CRON Jobs)

πŸ•’ Runs once per month

  • Sends reminder emails to inactive users.
  • Checks for expired authentication tokens and removes them.

πŸ›  Deployment & CI/CD

πŸš€ Dockerized for scalable deployment
πŸ”„ CI/CD with GitHub Actions
🌍 Hosted on Render (auto-deployment on commit)

πŸ“© Contact & Contribute

πŸ’‘ Contributions are welcome via Pull Requests.
Feel free to reach out via email: πŸ“§

πŸš€ Built for a seamless and secure social networking experience! 🌍