Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Game Version
Describe the bug
In civ5 building a road next to a city automatically creates a free Road in the city tile. So if you have 3 cities connected by 6 road improvements you'll be able to see a road improvement in each city as well but there will be no cost for the city ones.
Steps to Reproduce
- Build 3 cities on hills with hills next to them
- Build roads between the cities
Expected results:
When a road is built next to a city the city automatically gets a free road.
Actual results: Cities do not get free roads in Unciv
- Check unit move cost between hill city road and hill road
Expected Results:
Units can move to hilled cities from unroaded tiles as if they were moving from a roaded tile and only use .5 movement points (with basic roads)
Actual results:
Units moving to hilled cities from unroaded tiles use 2 movement points
Link to save file
No response
Operating System
Additional Information
This is just a variance in behavior from civ 5 roads and unciv roads.