Hello, I am using NGT-qg for vector recall, and I found that there are two ways to convert ONNG to QG:
Command line: qbg command [option] index [data]
C++ code: NGTQG::Index::quantize(indexPath, dimensionOfSubvector, maxNumberOfEdges, true);
which from samples/qg-l2-float
However, I noticed that when using the qbg
command line to perform QG on ONNG, it involves two steps:
qbg create-qg
qbg build-qg
When I checked the C++ source code corresponding to these two commands, I found that they perform the following operations:
// lib/NGT/NGTQ/QbgCli.cpp::createQG
void QBG::CLI::createQG(NGT::Args &args) {
const std::string usage = "Usage: qbg create-qg [-Q dimension-of-subvector] index";
QbgCliBuildParameters buildParameters(args);
string indexPath;
try {
indexPath = args.get("#1");
} catch (...) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "No index is specified." << std::endl;
msg << usage << endl;
std::cerr << "creating..." << std::endl;
NGTQG::Index::create(indexPath, buildParameters);
std::cerr << "appending..." << std::endl;
NGTQG::Index::append(indexPath, buildParameters);
// lib/NGT/NGTQ/QbgCli.cpp::buildQG
void QBG::CLI::buildQG(NGT::Args &args) {
const std::string usage = "Usage: qbg build-qg [-Q dimension-of-subvector] [-E max-number-of-edges] index";
QbgCliBuildParameters buildParameters(args);
string indexPath;
try {
indexPath = args.get("#1");
} catch (...) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "No index is specified." << std::endl;
msg << usage << std::endl;
size_t phase = args.getl("p", 0);
size_t maxNumOfEdges = args.getl("E", 128);
const std::string qgPath = indexPath + "/qg";
if (phase == 0 || phase == 1) {
QBG::Optimizer optimizer(buildParameters);
optimizer.globalType = QBG::Optimizer::GlobalTypeZero;
if (optimizer.rotation || optimizer.repositioning) {
std::cerr << "build-qg: Warning! Although rotation or repositioning is specified, turn off rotation "
"and repositioning because of unavailable options."
<< std::endl;
optimizer.rotation = false;
optimizer.repositioning = false;
std::cerr << "optimizing..." << std::endl;
auto verbose = buildParameters.optimization.verbose;
if (phase == 0 || phase == 2) {
std::cerr << "building the inverted index..." << std::endl;
QBG::Index::buildNGTQ(qgPath, verbose);
if (phase == 0 || phase == 3) {
std::cerr << "building the quantized graph... " << std::endl;
NGTQG::Index::realign(indexPath, maxNumOfEdges, verbose);
It seems that when using the command line to perform QG on ONNG, the operations involved are more extensive and mainly include:
// createQG
NGTQG::Index::create(indexPath, buildParameters);
NGTQG::Index::append(indexPath, buildParameters);
// buildQG
NGTQG::Index::realign(indexPath, maxNumOfEdges, verbose);
This differs from the method implemented in samples/qg-l2-float. What is the difference here?
I would appreciate any help or insights you can provide on this issue.