Sharktail lets you pipe output from command-line programs to the web in real-time
Official Node.js client for
Client is available as an npm package.
$ npm install -g sharktail
Show output on both stdout and sharktail:
$ echo "hello" | sharktail
Dummy loop in batch
and pipe to stdout and sharktail client
for /L %n in (1,1,10) do (sleep 1 & echo %n) | sharktail
Dummy loop in bash
and pipe to stdout and sharktail client
for i in {1..10}; do echo $i && sleep 1; done | sharktail
Dummy loop in python
and pipe to stdout and sharktail client.
- Please note the usage of
. Without it, all output will be displayed when the program execution is over instead of real-time. Flushing the stdout after every print statement is required to fix this, but it can be burdensome so using-u
is more convenient.
python -u | sharktail --delay 5
where is
import time
for i in range(10):
print("hello {}".format(i))
-Have time to see URL before full-screen command:
$ echo "hello" | sharktail --delay 5
Yigit Alparslan (@ya332)
Inspired by This client command is modified heavily from Credits go to them.