- Russia, Novosibirsk
- https://www.avito.ru/
Restore a truncated mp4/mov. Improved version of ponchio/untrunc
Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2
Unified GUI Censorship Resistant Solution Powered by Xray
Простое в использовании приложение для Mac, благодаря которому YouTube снова заработает отлично! На основе библиотеки SpoofDPI.
Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & ip limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks & Wireguard)
Вопросы для подготовки к интервью на позицию Python Developer
krilarite / django-web3-auth
Forked from Bearle/django-web3-authA pluggable Django app that enables login/signup via an Ethereum wallet (a la CryptoKitties)
Ethereum libraries in Go for interacting with Ethereum nodes
ParaSwap allows dApps and traders to get the best DEX liquidity by aggregating multiple markets and offering the best rates
DexLib is a library used by ParaSwap backend to integrate with decentralized exchanges. This library enables external DEX developers to integrate their DEX with ParaSwap by creating pull requests t…
Web-extension for bypassing censorship in Russia
Practical concurrency guide in Go, communication by channels, patterns
Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2020
Learn Go with test-driven development
Simple Python client for interacting with Google BigQuery.
A react user feedback dialog + screenshot + canvas highlighting
JsQuery – json query language with GIN indexing support
Easy CI/CD for Kubernetes clusters with python and jinja2
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations