Paho Java client for MQTT
This is to be completed... (Ian Craggs)
Ok. There are some Maven commands to update releases, but so far I've not been able to determine what those should be.
In the develop branch, we want the releases to be the vNext-SNAPSHOT
But in the master branch, we want
Maven command to update versions:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
this will work for pom.xml files. However we have OSGi manifests as well. Linux commands to update versions:
find | grep "MANIFEST.MF" | xargs sed -i "s/1.0.2/1.0.3.qualifier/g" find | grep "feature.xml" | xargs sed -i "s/1.0.2/1.0.3.qualifier/g" find | grep "build.xml" | xargs sed -i "s/1.0.2/1.0.3.qualifier/g" find | grep "category.xml" | xargs sed -i "s/1.0.2/1.0.3.qualifier/g" find | grep "" | xargs sed -i "s/1.0.2/1.0.3.qualifier/g"
Example Linux command to find all files with instances of a version number:
find | xargs grep -s "1.0.2"