This app was created as part of a challenge, I managed to complete it within 4 hours! It's very simple and doesn't much use, however, it's consuming data from web services and is presenting it to the screen following some great android development standards and is also covered by some sample espresso tests.
In order to run instrumentation tests, you must change the build variant to instrumentationTest so that the server requests is mocked to a local server implemented using MockWebServer. Also, as some of the tests has interaction with the Snackbar component, it's necessary to disable android animations so that there won't be any random side effects while executing the tests.
- Built using MVP with clean architecture;
- Dependency Injection is made using Koin 2;
- RxJava2 is used together with Retrofit2 to make API calls;
- App supports android 23+;
- MockWebServer is used for the instrumentation tests.