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Peddy - Pet Adoption Platform

Peddy is a pet adoption platform where users can browse and adopt pets. It provides APIs to fetch pet-related data such as all pets, categories of pets, specific pet details, and pet data based on category.

Key Features

  1. Dynamic Pet Listings: Users can view all available pets for adoption with detailed information.
  2. Category Filtering: Pets can be filtered based on various categories, such as dogs, cats, and more.
  3. Like Functionality: Users can "like" pets, adding their thumbnails to a separate grid for easy viewing.
  4. Modal Details: Clicking on a pet’s "Details" button opens a modal displaying comprehensive pet information.
  5. Sorting Functioanlity: Clicking on 'Sort by Price' will sort the pets list by price in descending order. Works on all categories.

ES6 Features Used

  • Arrow Functions: For concise function expressions.
  • Template Literals: For easier string interpolation in HTML.
  • Destructuring Assignment: To extract values from API responses efficiently.
  • Modules: To organize code in separate files for better maintainability.
  • Promises: For handling asynchronous data fetching from APIs.

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