This project is for Baidu's entity search competition:
- Rules are here
- Data are in data/ directory.
We are the Chitu team! -- Link to project page.
- Awesome error analysis interface (demo).
- Viewing queries the system performed the worst
- Summarize performance on held-out as well as cross-validation data
- Easy to implement new feature extractors
Write a function, and decorate it with @Extractor
@Extractor def HasCommonCharacter((q_type, query), entity): return [("HAS_COMMON_CHAR", int(len(set(query).intersection(set(entity)) != 0)))]
- Scripts to download data
- Multi-thread downloading Baidu Baike data (in small_scripts/)
The following command runs 10-fold cross validation, and tests on hold-out set.
python --extractors=e1,e2...
Experiment ID: 101. Detailed report at reports/101.html. Model at models/101.model
Cross validation:
| task1 | task2 | ...
| 0.70+-0.01 | 0.80+-0.02| ...
Hold-out set:
| task1 | task2 | ...
| 0.70 | 0.80 | ...
Listing past experiment result overview. For each feature set, we only list the last run.
ID features MAP Celebrity Movie Restaurant tvShow time
---- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------ -------- --------------------------
7 nchar,char,nsumchar,sumchar,cont_bigram,cont_match 0.460184 0.822061 0.379818 0.277135 0.361721 2016-04-06 17:14:28.113651
6 nchar 0.276946 0.360595 0.331004 0.259918 0.156267 2016-04-06 16:34:30.566979
python --model_id=101 --test_dir=data/DEV\ SET --output_dir=output