C++ Library to manage gs1 code
The idea of this library is to have well defined functions signatures in library. Instead of passing datamatrix code as a generic string in functions, you may pass only ai you need, and be sure ai is well formed.
This library do not include a picture parser, because the primary use of this library is to provide type to functions signatures. My use case is to use a scanner device to retrieve GS1 codes. Anyway, a picture parser/generator may be easily included later.
// Construct a gs1 code with only one gtin:
gs1::code c;
c.gtin = gs1::gtin { "55583421309548" };
void aprintfunction(const gs1::code& c)
std::cout << "passed code (hri formated): " << gs1::hri(c) << std::endl;
std::cout << "passed code (binary formated): " << gs1::binary(c) << std::endl;
void aparsefunction(const std::string& s) // s as binary formatted.
gs1::code c;
std::istringstream i(s);
i >> gs1::binary(c, ']', '$'); // Will throw if s is not well formatted.
std::cout << "The passed code (hri formatted): " << gs1::hri(c) << std::endl;
void anotherfunction(const gs1::gtin& gtin, const gs1::serial& serialNumber) // Enforce right signature.
gs1::code c;
c.gtin = gtin;
c.serial = serialNumber;
std::cout << "code: " << gs1::hri(c) << std::endl;
Assert conan is installed on you system.
pip install conan # or pip3 install conan
Create a build subdirectory.
In this subdirectory, launch cmake (for import in eclipse in the example below):