📟 A Simple Terminal UI That Run On The Web
Checkout the demo from Github Pages
Install with npm
$ npm install term-web
Or install with yarn
$ yarn add term-web
import Term from 'term-web';
Or umd builds are also available:
<script src="path/to/term-web.js"></script>
Or from jsDelivr CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/term-web/dist/term-web.js"></script>
Will expose the global variable to window.Term
<div id="term"></div>
var term = new Term({
// ... options
container: '#term',
// Mounted dom element
container: '#term',
// Debug mode
debug: false,
// Initial size
width: 600,
height: 500,
// Custom actions
actions: [],
// Use the display recorder button
recorder: true,
// Is it draggable
draggable: true,
// Font size
fontSize: 13,
// Font family
fontFamily: 'monospace',
// Watermark image url
watermark: '',
// Font color
color: '#b0b2b6',
// Background color
background: 'rgb(42, 39, 52)',
// Title on the topbar
title: 'Term Web',
// Entered prefix
prefix: 'root@linux: ~ <d color="#00f501">$</d> ',
// Welcome Message
welcome: `Last login: ${new Date()}`,
// Loading tips
loading: (val) => '<d color="yellow">Loading...</d>',
// Pixel ratio
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,
// Callback when command is not found
notFound: (val) => `-bash: <d color='red'>${val}</d>: command not found`,
is the string to be displayed.isReplace
indicates whether to replace the previous record, default isfalse
is the string to be displayed.isReplace
indicates whether to replace the previous record, default isfalse
is the string to be displayed.isExecute
Whether to execute immediately after typing, default istrue
Clear all log
is the question string to be displayed.
term.ask('How are you ?').then((answer) => console.log(answer));
Output radio list
key: 1,
text: 'hi',
key: 0,
text: 'bye',
]).then((key) => {
Output checkbox list
key: 1,
text: 'hi',
key: 0,
text: 'bye',
]).then((key) => {
Modify font color
term.color = '#fff';
Modify background color
term.background = '#000';
Modify watermark image
term.watermark = 'img.png';
Modify terminal width
term.width = 500;
Modify terminal height
term.height = 500;
The output interface supports multiple styles through a html tag, currently does not support tag nesting effect
term.output('<d color="#666">some text</d>');
term.output('<d color="#fff" background="red">some text</d>');
Select the color attribute or fontColor attribute of the option by default
term.output('<d color="yellow" border>some text</d>');
Select the color attribute or fontColor attribute of the option by default
term.output('<d color="yellow" underline>some text</d>');
Select the color attribute or fontColor attribute of the option by default
term.output('<d color="yellow" del>some text</d>');
Link jump behavior
term.output('<d href="www.google.com">google</d>');
Term.font('Font Name', 'path/to/font.ttf').then((font) => {
var term = new Term({
fontFamily: font.family,
// ... options
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MIT © Harvey Zack