React hook to execute and watch async function
This package is made for handle asynchronous tasks, such as backend api calls.
- execute async function whenever and whatever you want
- provide execution status and result
- typescript support
- super tiny
import { useAsyncWatcher } from 'react-async-watcher';
const GetUsersButton = () => {
const { execute, reset, status, result, error } = useAsyncWatcher();
return (
onClick={() => {
execute(async () => {
// fetch remote data
const data = await getUsersApi();
// you may want to post-process data, use redux dispatch and so on
// if return data, result variable will be filled with the data
return data;
Get User List
Inside your React or React-Native project directory, run the following command:
yarn add react-async-watcher
or with npm
npm install react-async-watcher
const { execute, reset, status, result, error } = useAsyncWatcher();
You can pass type to useAsyncWatcher, eq: useAsyncWatcher(), then type of result will be number | undefined
execute(async () => {
// do whatever you want
// if your need to render some data
// return it, then result variable will hold the data
use it to clear status, result, error
"initial" | "loading" | "success" | "failure";
The MIT License.