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The goal of this project is to enable WebSocket interface to NiFi so that, external clients can send data to a flow as well as NiFi can stream results back to clients like browsers. To simplify usage, STOMP over WebSocket protocol is used for client/server communication.

  1. VertxService is a NiFi service that opens WebSocket port and bridge the embedded vertx's EventBus.
  2. GetEventBus is a NiFi processor that subscribe to EventBus's address. all messages received on the address will be emitted into the flow.
  3. SendEventBus is a NiFi processor that sends flowFile to EventBus address (point-to-point). only one recipient will receive flowFile.
  4. PublishEventBus is a NiFi processor that publish flowFile to EventBus address (pub/sub). all subscribers on the address will receive flowFile.


  1. Manual: Download Apache NiFi binaries and unpack to a folder.
  2. On Mac: brew install nifi


# Assume you unpacked to /Developer/Applications/nifi
./gradlew clean deploy -Pnifi_home=/Developer/Applications/nifi

On Mac

gradle clean deploy -Pnifi_home=/usr/local/Cellar/nifi/0.3.0/libexec


cd /Developer/Applications/nifi
./bin/  start
./bin/  stop

On Mac

# nifi start|stop|run|restart|status|dump|install
nifi start 
nifi status  
nifi stop 
# Working Directory: /usr/local/Cellar/nifi/0.3.0/libexec


  1. check if SockJS server is up: http://hostname:{port}/{eventbus}/info
  2. test evenBus via web page: test.html
  3. test with flow: WebSocketFlow.xml


  1. Try HazelcastClusterManager and Vertx.clusteredVertx to see if vertx clustering is possible with NiFi cluster.
  2. Support ability to publish multiple types of messages. i.e., primitives, string, buffers, JSON