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This function/script is designed to efficiently convert and/or merge various file types—including VCF, CSV, TXT, and RData—into a single  R data object. It adeptly selects data based on specific criteria, such as matching chromosomes, genomic positions in the aGDS file, and variant types. Although it does not provide exact matches within the aGDS file, its primary function is to streamline the reading, filtering, and merging of variant files, significantly reducing memory consumption and alleviating current and future processing bottlenecks.
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LVMEHINOVIC authored May 17, 2024
1 parent 763a4a8 commit 68f9527
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions STAARpipeline_processVariantFiles.R
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# Processing genomic variant data across multiple file
# formats, to a singular R object (variants_list)
# Elle Mehinovic
# Initiate date: 04/17/2024
# Current date: 05/17/2024

## load required packages

## Make sure that bcftools is installed on your system !

# processVariantFiles Function
# To address memory constraints, this function converts and/or combines files into an R data object.
# (Can take in a vcf/vcf.gz, csv, txt, or Rdata files)
# It selectively retrieves data that:
# - Corresponds to the chromosome specified in the aGDS file,
# - Has matching genomic positions within the aGDS file,
# - Meets the criteria based on the specified variant type.
# Note: This function does not find exact matches within the aGDS file but is used
# for reading, filtering, and merging variant files while lowering overall memory consumption

# Define a function to process a file
processVariantFiles <- function(files, chr, genofile, variant_type = 'variant') {
# Retrieve unique genomic positions from the SeqArray file to optimize processing.
unique_positions <- unique(as.numeric(SeqArray::seqGetData(genofile, "position")))

# Initialize an empty list to store data frames from each file.
list_data<- list()

# Loop through each file in the list of files.
for (file in files) {

# Check the file type and construct appropriate command for reading data.
if (endsWith(tolower(file), "vcf") || endsWith(tolower(file), "vcf.gz")) {
# Read VCF files using bcftools, focusing on the specified chromosome.
fread_cmd <- paste0("bcftools view -H -r ", chr, " ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1, 2, 4, 5)))

# Retry reading the data with a modified chromosome label if the initial attempt is unsuccessful.
if(length(data) == 0){
fread_cmd <- paste0("bcftools view -H -r chr", chr, " ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1, 2, 4, 5)))
} else if (endsWith(tolower(file), "csv") || endsWith(tolower(file), "txt")) {
# Handle CSV or text files.
fread_cmd <- paste0("cat ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1:4)))
data<- data[tolower(data[[1]]) %in% c(chr, paste0('chr', chr)), c(1:4)]
} else if (endsWith(tolower(file), "rdata")) {
# Load RData files and filter data based on the chromosome.
data<- get(load(file))
data<- data[tolower(data[[1]]) %in% c(chr, paste0('chr', chr)), c(1:4)]
} else {
# Stop execution and return an error message if the file format is not supported.
stop("Error: File format is not supported!")

# Filter rows to include only those with positions found in the unique positions list.
data<- data[data[[2]] %in% unique_positions,]

# Standardize chromosome labeling and separate rows by alternate alleles.
data[[1]] <- sub("^chr", "", data[[1]])
colnames(data) <- c("CHR", "POS", "REF", "ALT")
data<- tidyr::separate_rows(data, ALT, sep = ",")

# Conditionally filter data based on the type of genetic variant.
if (tolower(variant_type) == 'snv') {
data<- data[nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1]
} else if (tolower(variant_type) == 'indel') {
data<- data[nchar(REF) > 1 | nchar(ALT) > 1]
} else if (tolower(variant_type) != 'variant') {
stop("Error: Please choose variant_type from list: 'SNV', 'Indel', or 'variant'")

# Add the processed data frame to the list.
list_data[[file]] <- data

# Combine all data frames into a single data frame and remove duplicates.
combined_data<- unique(, list_data))

# Return the data frame, sorted by the position column.
return(combined_data[order(as.numeric(combined_data$POS)), ])

# User Input
## aGDS directory
agds_dir <- get(load("/path_to_the_file/agds_dir.Rdata"))
## Null model
obj_nullmodel <- get(load("/path_to_the_file/obj_nullmodel.Rdata"))
## output path
output_path <- "/path_to_the_output_file/"
## output file name
output_file_name <- "TOPMed_F5_LDL_known_loci_individual_analysis_genome_LD_pruning"
## QC_label
QC_label <- "annotation/filter"
## geno_missing_imputation
geno_missing_imputation <- "mean"
## method_cond
method_cond <- "optimal"
## maf_cutoff
samplesize <- length(obj_nullmodel$id_include)
maf_cutoff <- 20.5/samplesize
samplesize <- length(obj_nullmodel$id_include)

## variant_type
variant_type <- "variant"
## input chr number from batch file
chr <- as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1])
## full paths files that contain information of known variants
files <- c("/path_to_the_file/TOPMed_F5_LDL_Known_Loci_info.vcf.gz","/path_to_the_file/TOPMed_F5_LDL_Known_Loci_info.csv","/path_to_the_file/results_individual_analysis_sig.Rdata")
## or a single file path
#files <- "/path_to_the_file/TOPMed_F5_LDL_Known_Loci_info.vcf.gz"
# Main Function processVariantFiles
## aGDS file
agds.path <- agds_dir[chr]
genofile <- seqOpen(agds.path)

## Create Variant list
# Call the function to process the list of files with specified parameters
# files: Full path to a file or a list of full paths to each file. (Can take in a vcf/vcf.gz, csv, txt, or Rdata files)
# non-VCF files must have first 4 columns in order of CHR, POS, REF, and ALT
# chr: Chromosome value corresponding to the aGDS file.
# genofile: Opened aGDS file (opened with seqOpen()).
# variant_type: Type of variant to filter within the file(s). Options include 'SNV', 'Indel', or 'variant'. Default is "variant".

variants_list <- processVariantFiles(files, chr=chr, genofile=genofile, variant_type=variant_type)

# Example Usage: LD_pruning
known_loci_chr <- c()

known_loci <- LD_pruning(chr=chr,genofile=genofile,obj_nullmodel=obj_nullmodel,variants_list=variants_list,maf_cutoff=maf_cutoff,

known_loci_chr <- rbind(known_loci_chr,known_loci)



92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions processVariantFiles.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# Load necessary libraries
## Make sure that bcftools is installed on your system !

# processVariantFiles Function
# To address memory constraints, this function converts and/or combines files into an R data object.
# (Can take in a vcf/vcf.gz, csv, txt, or Rdata files)
# It selectively retrieves data that:
# - Corresponds to the chromosome specified in the aGDS file,
# - Has matching genomic positions within the aGDS file,
# - Meets the criteria based on the specified variant type.
# Note: This function does not find exact matches within the aGDS file but is used
# for reading, filtering, and merging variant files while lowering overall memory consumption

# Define a function to process a file
processVariantFiles <- function(files, chr, genofile, variant_type = 'variant') {
# Retrieve unique genomic positions from the SeqArray file to optimize processing.
unique_positions <- unique(as.numeric(SeqArray::seqGetData(genofile, "position")))

# Initialize an empty list to store data frames from each file.
list_data<- list()

# Loop through each file in the list of files.
for (file in files) {

# Check the file type and construct appropriate command for reading data.
if (endsWith(tolower(file), "vcf") || endsWith(tolower(file), "vcf.gz")) {
# Read VCF files using bcftools, focusing on the specified chromosome.
fread_cmd <- paste0("bcftools view -H -r ", chr, " ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1, 2, 4, 5)))

# Retry reading the data with a modified chromosome label if the initial attempt is unsuccessful.
if(length(data) == 0){
fread_cmd <- paste0("bcftools view -H -r chr", chr, " ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1, 2, 4, 5)))
} else if (endsWith(tolower(file), "csv") || endsWith(tolower(file), "txt")) {
# Handle CSV or text files.
fread_cmd <- paste0("cat ", file)
data<- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(cmd = fread_cmd, header = FALSE, select = c(1:4)))
data<- data[tolower(data[[1]]) %in% c(chr, paste0('chr', chr)), c(1:4)]
} else if (endsWith(tolower(file), "rdata")) {
# Load RData files and filter data based on the chromosome.
data<- get(load(file))
data<- data[tolower(data[[1]]) %in% c(chr, paste0('chr', chr)), c(1:4)]
} else {
# Stop execution and return an error message if the file format is not supported.
stop("Error: File format is not supported!")

# Filter rows to include only those with positions found in the unique positions list.
data<- data[data[[2]] %in% unique_positions,]

# Standardize chromosome labeling and separate rows by alternate alleles.
data[[1]] <- sub("^chr", "", data[[1]])
colnames(data) <- c("CHR", "POS", "REF", "ALT")
data<- tidyr::separate_rows(data, ALT, sep = ",")

# Conditionally filter data based on the type of genetic variant.
if (tolower(variant_type) == 'snv') {
data<- data[nchar(REF) == 1 & nchar(ALT) == 1]
} else if (tolower(variant_type) == 'indel') {
data<- data[nchar(REF) > 1 | nchar(ALT) > 1]
} else if (tolower(variant_type) != 'variant') {
stop("Error: Please choose variant_type from list: 'SNV', 'Indel', or 'variant'")

# Add the processed data frame to the list.
list_data[[file]] <- data

# Combine all data frames into a single data frame and remove duplicates.
combined_data<- unique(, list_data))

# Return the data frame, sorted by the position column.
return(combined_data[order(as.numeric(combined_data$POS)), ])

## Create Variant list Example
# Call the function to process the list of files with specified parameters
# files: Full path to a file or a list of full paths to each file. (Can take in a vcf/vcf.gz, csv, txt, or Rdata files)
# non-VCF files must have first 4 columns in order of CHR, POS, REF, and ALT
# chr: Chromosome value corresponding to the aGDS file.
# genofile: Opened aGDS file (opened with seqOpen()).
# variant_type: Type of variant to filter within the file(s). Options include 'SNV', 'Indel', or 'variant'. Default is "variant".
# variants_list <- processVariantFiles(files, chr=chr, genofile=genofile, variant_type=variant_type)

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