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  • hangzhou

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dromara dromara
poems & dreams


Binjie Yang zwangsheng
Apache Spark Contributor & Apache Kyuubi PMC & Apache Celeborn(incubating) Committer

@apache HangZhou China

Cheng Pan pan3793
(P)PMC member of Apache {Celeborn, Kyuubi, Toree, Zeppelin}. Software Engineer at @NetEase.

@NetEase @apache Hangzhou, China

harry sparrowzoo
a programer with 10 years experience in java

beijing china

SOFAStack sofastack
Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack


梁欢 lvan100
Go-Spring 作者

滴滴出行 中国北京

Benedict Jin asdf2014
Committer and PMC Member of @apache Druid, Chinese translator of 'Java Coding Problems' book

Shopee Singapore

halfrost halfrost
CS master @Stanford 💪 天道酬勤,勤能补拙。博观而约取,厚积而薄发。Gopher / Rustacean / Kubernetes / Cloud Native / Machine Learning / DeFi Smart Contract

@Kubeflow @CNCF [California, Singapore, China]

傅双波 shuangbofu
interested in programming, learning Java, Vue.js, Spark, Flink Rust etc.


贺鹏Kavin skyhackvip
公众号:技术岁月 关注风控,关注分布式架构


To be yourself.
Aylei aylei
Software Engineer @matrixorigin , ZJUer. Previously @pingcap @exacloud

Matrix Origin Hangzhou China

Dai Jie geektutu

Fudan University Shanghai,China

Kent Yao yaooqinn

@NetEase Hangzhou, China

lj-michale lj-michale
Coding is funny... WeChat: finance_abc

Turing Computer ShenZhen China

tangcong tangcong

@Tencent ShenZhen

xtaci xtaci
若人欲了知,三世一切佛, 应观法界性,一切唯心造。


xiaoyu yu199195

@Dromara @apache beijing

Joe Zou zouyx
Opensource Enthusiast. Apache Dubbo, apollo PMC.

@apache @apolloconfig China

panty pantianying
coder in hangzhou

@apache @dubbogo hangzhou

Xin.Zh AlexStocks

@apache @dubbogo Beijing, China

tomsun28 tomsun28
Line up to heaven

@dromara @apache @usthe

Jinzhu jinzhu
Life is Art

HangZhou China

Leon Ding auula
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!

Digital Nomad

Daniel Hu daniel-hutao

Merico Chengdu

Congxian Qiu klion26
Apache Flink Committer


Dian Fu dianfu
Software Engineer at Alibaba; Committer&PMC member of Apache Flink; Committer of Apache Commons Crypto and Apache Sqoop

Alibaba HangZhou

Xintong Song xintongsong
Apache Flink PMC Member & Committer; Staff Engineer at Alibaba

@alibaba Beijing

Xingcan Cui xccui

Toronto, Canada

Alex Ott alexott
Lead Specialist SA at Databricks. Previously principal SA at DataStax, Apache Zeppelin committer, software architect at McAfee, and other companies

Alex Ott's Consulting Paderborn, Germany

JunZhang zhangjun0x01


Jincheng Sun sunjincheng121
Apache Member, PMC Member at @ApacheFlink and @apache IoTDB, and Committer at @apache Beam and Staff Engineer at @alibaba

Alibaba HangZhou

Alex a0x8o
los pies en el suelo, y andar por las nubes

Kota Kahuana y La Cumbrecita: los pies en el suelo, y andar por las nubes

clay4megtr clay4megtr
Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, only today is a gift, that's why we call it Present

Ant Financial BeiJing

HJ superhj1987
Technology can change the world.
李鼎 oldratlee
Nobody is perfect, Mmm~ I'm nobody and a new dad! ☕️Java🍩@Kotlin🐍@python🐚Shell💎@vim🦫@golang 🦏JS 👓C# 🦀@rust-lang 🛠C++ 🔞@scala 🍥@clojure📞@erlang

PDD @taobao @aliyun @alibaba Shanghai ⇌ Hangzhou Zhejiang, China

Kris Mok rednaxelafx
Worked on the HotSpot and Zing JVMs in the past. Now working on Spark at Databricks. Compiler and managed runtime enthusiast.

Databricks Sunnyvale, CA

haosdent haosdent
We are hiring, please drop me a message via

Shopee Singapore

ChangJin Wei galaxy-sea
Why don't you ask... the Magic Conch, Squidward?
XiongNeng yidao620c
keep running

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Xi'an China

skywalker seaswalker
May the force be with you


敖丙 AobingJava

@Alibaba 杭州

冰 河 binghe001

公众号:冰河技术 成都