An experimental parser combinator library written in C++23. Fully support constexpr
parsing in compile time.
constexpr auto ipv4 = [](
uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d) {
return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d;
constexpr auto octet = integer<uint8_t>;
constexpr auto ipv4_addr = eof(sepby<4>(octet, dot));
constexpr auto to_ipv4 = ipv4_addr | to([](auto&& result) {
auto [a, b, c, d] = result;
return ipv4( a, b, c, d );
static_assert(to_ipv4("") == ipv4(192, 168, 1, 1));
- to converts the parser's result to anther type
- map maps a function over the result of a parser
- or_else applies a function over the input if the parser failed
- and_then applies a function over the result of a parser
- success consumes no input and always succeeds with given value.
- predict return the result of the parser if it satisfies a predictate
- seq (operator+) matches a sequence of parsers in the defined order. Return a std::tuple of the two return value of the parsers.
- choice (operator||) tries to apply the parsers in order until one of them succeeds.
- left matches two parsers and accepts the result from the left side.
- right matches two parsers and accepts the result from the right side.
- between matches three parsers and accepts the result from the middle one.
- many matches a parser multiple times, can be a matched 0 times. Return a std::vector of the return value of the parser.
- many1 matches a parser multiple times at least one time. Return a std::vector of the return value of the parser.
- many<> matches a parser in a fixed amount of times. Return a std::array of the return value of the parser.
- sepby matches a parser separated by another parser, can be a matched 0 times.
- sepby1 matches a parser separated by another parser at least one time.
- sepby<> matches a parser separated by another parser in a fixed amount of times.
- eof matches the of the input
- any matches any character
- satisfy matches one character if it satisfies a predicate.
- range matches one character in the range of characters.
- one_of matches the character in the list of characters.
- none_of matches the character not in the list of characters.
- digit matches one numerical character: 0-9.
- octdigit matches one octal numerical character: 0-7.
- hexdigit matches one hexadecimal numerical character: 0-9, a-f, A-F.
- lower matches one lowercase alphabetic character: a-z.
- upper matches one uppercase alphabetic character: A-Z.
- alpha matches one alphabet character: a-z, A-Z.
- alphanum matches one numerical or alphabetic character: 0-9, a-z, A-Z.
- sign matches one sign character: -, +.
- space matches one whitespace character
- dot matches one semi character: ..
- semi matches one semi character: ;.
- comma matches one comma character: ,.
- colon matches one colon character: :.
- quota matches one quota character: ".
- escape matches one escaped character: ", \, /, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t.
- symbol matches a specific string.
- octal matches a octal number.
- decimal matches a decimal number.
- hexadecimal matches a hexadecimal number.
- squares matches a parser enclosed in squares: [].
- brackets matches a parser enclosed in brackets: {}.
- parentheses matches a parser enclosed in parentheses: ().
- MSVC 19.34+ /std::c++latest