A react ssr scafflod with ant-design based on Next.js.
| -- asserts // ant-design global less var
| -- components // React UI component
| -- constants // constant directory
| -- ActionsTypes.js // save all action type
| -- ApiUrlForBE.js // save all apiUrl
| -- ...
| -- containers // React container component
| -- core // mehtod dirctory
| -- util.js // project method
| -- nextFetch.js // packing unfetch for easy use
| -- middlewares // middlewares
| -- client // client middlewares, deal redux action
| -- server // server middlewares, deal node event
| -- pages // Next.js routes
| -- redux
| -- actions // deal all projectaction
| -- reducers // deal all project reducer
| -- sagas // sace all project saga
| -- store.js
| -- static // save static source directory
| -- .babelrc
| -- .eslintrc
| -- .gitignore
| -- next.config.js // Next.js config file
| -- package.json
| -- server.js // server file
| -- pm2.config.js // pm2 deploy config file
| ... // other file
1. git clone https://github.com/luffyZh/next-antd-scafflod.git
2. yarn install
3. yarn start
The application is ready on http://localhost:3006
1. yarn build
2. yarn prod
The application is ready on http://localhost:5000
- React
- Next.js
- Redux
- Redux-Saga
- Ant-Design
- Fetch
# 1. install pm2
$ npm install -g pm2
# 2. build project
$ yarn build
# 3. pm2 deploy project
$ pm2 start pm2.config.js --env production