A Category of UITableView that stores a block property which can receive the callback from UITableViewIndex in the UITableView, you can use it to customize the behavior of your ViewController with the changing of sectionIndex and tracking state.
hook UITableView内部的UITableViewIndex,实现滑动事件的监听回调
__weak typeof(self) weakself = self;
self.tableView.sectionIndexChanged = ^(NSInteger sectionIndex, BOOL isTracking) {
weakself.indexIndicatorLabel.hidden = !isTracking;
weakself.indexIndicatorLabel.text = !isTracking ? nil : weakself.stringSource[sectionIndex];
- 触摸结束等情况下,selectedSection会变为NSIntegerMax,这里重算该值,以避免外部使用该值导致越界等异常
使用Category为UITableView添加sectionIndexChanged block属性
直接下载工程,拷贝UITableView+IndexPan.h与.m文件,#import "UITableView+IndexPan.h" 即可使用
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