This repository contains the original implementation of the fingerprint pore detection and description models from Automatic Dataset Annotation to Learn CNN Pore Description for Fingerprint Recognition.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) High-Resolution-Fingerprint (HRF) Database is a high-resolution fingerprint dataset for fingerprint recognition. We ran all of our experiments in the PolyU-HRF dataset, so it is required to reproduce them. PolyU-HRF can be obtained by following the instructions from its authors here.
Assuming PolyU-HRF is inside a local directory named polyu_hrf
, its internal organization must be as following in order to reproduce our experiments with the code in this repository as it is:
The code in this repository was tested for Ubuntu 16.04 and Python 3.5.2, but we believe any newer version of both will do.
We recomend installing Python's venv (tested for version 15.0.1) to run the experiments. To do it in Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt install python3-venv
Then, create and activate a venv:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
To install the requirements either run, for CPU usage:
pip install -r cpu-requirements.txt
or run, for GPU usage, which requires the Tensorflow GPU dependencies:
pip install -r gpu-requirements.txt
To train a pore descriptor, pore detections are required for every image. To do this, run:
python3 -m batch_detect_pores --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --model_dir_path log/detection/[det_model_dir] --results_dir_path log/pores
This will detect pores for every image in PolyU-HRF and store them in [image_name].txt
format inside log/pores
subfolders DBI/Training
, DBI/Test
and DBII
The options for batch detecting pores are:
usage: batch_detect_pores [-h] --polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH
--model_dir_path MODEL_DIR_PATH
[--patch_size PATCH_SIZE]
[--results_dir_path RESULTS_DIR_PATH]
[--prob_thr PROB_THR] [--inter_thr INTER_THR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH
path to PolyU-HRF dataset
--model_dir_path MODEL_DIR_PATH
path from which to restore trained model
--patch_size PATCH_SIZE
pore patch size
--results_dir_path RESULTS_DIR_PATH
path to folder in which results should be saved
--prob_thr PROB_THR probability threshold to filter detections
--inter_thr INTER_THR
nms intersection threshold
It is also required to have pore identity annotations to train a pore descriptor. To do this, run:
python3 -m polyu.preprocess --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --patch_size 32 --result_dir_path log/patch_polyu
This splits DBI Training in two subject independent subsets, one for training, another for validation. The default split creates the training subset with 60% of the subject identities. All other identites go to the validation subset.
separates these subsets in subfolders of log/patch_polyu
: train
and val
contains pore patch images named pore-id_register-id.png
. It has exactly 6 images for each pore identity that is visible in every image of the training subset.
contains the images of the validation subset, with their original names, and their corresponding pore detection files.
The options for generating pore identity annotations are:
usage: polyu.preprocess [-h] --polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH --pts_dir_path
PTS_DIR_PATH --patch_size PATCH_SIZE --result_dir_path
RESULT_DIR_PATH [--split SPLIT] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH
path to PolyU-HRF dataset
--pts_dir_path PTS_DIR_PATH
path to PolyU-HRF DBI Training dataset keypoints
--patch_size PATCH_SIZE
image patch size for descriptor
--result_dir_path RESULT_DIR_PATH
path to save description dataset
--split SPLIT floating point percentage of training set in train/val
--seed SEED random seed
To train the pore description model, run:
python3 -m train --dataset_path log/patch_polyu --log_dir_path log/description/ --augment --dropout 0.3
This will train a description model with the hyper-parameters we used for the model in our paper, but we recommend tuning them manually by observing the EER in the validation set. The above values usually provide excelent results. However, if the model fails to achieve 0% EER in the validation set, you should probably investigate other values. Training without augmentation has disastrous results, so always train with it.
Running the script above will create a folder inside log/description
for the trained model's resources. We will call it [desc_model_dir]
for the rest of the instructions.
Options for training the description model are:
usage: train [-h] --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--log_dir_path LOG_DIR_PATH]
[--tolerance TOLERANCE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--steps STEPS] [--augment] [--dropout DROPOUT]
[--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset_path DATASET_PATH
path to dataset
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate
--log_dir_path LOG_DIR_PATH
logging directory
--tolerance TOLERANCE
early stopping tolerance
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--steps STEPS maximum training steps
--augment use this flag to perform dataset augmentation
--dropout DROPOUT dropout rate in last convolutional layer
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
weight decay lambda
--seed SEED random seed
In order to reproduce the SIFT descriptors experiment in DBI Test, run:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors sift --thr 0.7 --fold DBI-test
For the DBII experiment:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors sift --thr 0.7 --fold DBII
For the DBI Test, run:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors dp --thr 0.7 --fold DBI-test --patch_size 32
For the DBII experiment:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors dp --thr 0.7 --fold DBII --patch_size 32
For the DBI Test experiment:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors trained --thr 0.7 --model_dir_path log/description/[desc_model_dir] --fold DBI-test --patch_size 32
For the DBII experiment:
python3 -m validate.matching --polyu_dir_path polyu_hrf --pts_dir_path log/pores --descriptors trained --thr 0.7 --model_dir_path log/description/[desc_model_dir] --fold DBII --patch_size 32
Other options for validate.matching
usage: validate.matching [-h] --polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH --pts_dir_path
PTS_DIR_PATH [--results_path RESULTS_PATH]
[--descriptors DESCRIPTORS] [--mode MODE] [--thr THR]
[--model_dir_path MODEL_DIR_PATH] [--patch_size PATCH_SIZE]
[--fold FOLD] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--polyu_dir_path POLYU_DIR_PATH
path to PolyU-HRF dataset
--pts_dir_path PTS_DIR_PATH
path to chosen dataset keypoints detections
--results_path RESULTS_PATH
path to results file
--descriptors DESCRIPTORS
which descriptors to use. Can be "sift", "dp" or
--mode MODE mode to match images. Can be "basic" or "spatial"
--thr THR distance ratio check threshold
--model_dir_path MODEL_DIR_PATH
trained model directory path
--patch_size PATCH_SIZE
pore patch size
--fold FOLD choose what fold of polyu to use. Can be "DBI-train",
"DBI-test" and "DBII"
--seed SEED random seed
The pre-trained description model is required to ensure that you get the exact same results as those of the paper. It is also required to use the same pore detection model we did; this model is available to download here. After downloading both models, follow the batch pore detection and fingerprint recognition steps replacing [det_model_dir]
and [desc_model_dir]
where appropriate.
We also provide
, a script to, given two high resolution fingerprint images and a model trained to detect pores and another one to describe them, determine if they are from the same subject or not. To use it, run:
python3 -m recognize --image_paths [image01_path] [image02_path] --det_model_dir [det_model_dir] --desc_model_dir [desc_model_dir]
There is also a command line parameter, score_thr
, to control the minimum number of established correspondences to determine that the images belong to the same subject. Its default value is 2, the EER threshold for the partial fingerprints in DBI-test. For the full fingerprints of DBII, this value should be set to 9.
Other options for this script are:
usage: recognize [-h] --img_paths IMG_PATHS IMG_PATHS --det_model_dir
[--score_thr SCORE_THR] [--det_patch_size DET_PATCH_SIZE]
[--det_prob_thr DET_PROB_THR]
[--nms_inter_thr NMS_INTER_THR]
[--desc_patch_size DESC_PATCH_SIZE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
path to images to be recognized
--det_model_dir DET_MODEL_DIR
path to pore detection trained model
--desc_model_dir DESC_MODEL_DIR
path to pore description trained model
--score_thr SCORE_THR
score threshold to determine if pair is genuine or
--det_patch_size DET_PATCH_SIZE
detection patch size
--det_prob_thr DET_PROB_THR
probability threshold for discarding detections
--nms_inter_thr NMS_INTER_THR
NMS area intersection threshold
--desc_patch_size DESC_PATCH_SIZE
patch size around each detected keypoint to describe
If you find the code in this repository useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={Automatic Dataset Annotation to Learn CNN Pore Description for Fingerprint Recognition},
author={Dahia, Gabriel and Segundo, Maur{\'\i}cio Pamplona},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.10229},
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