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No change in screen color #27




Read This First!

This seems to be an upstream problem, e.g., and I don't think there's anything we can do in fluxgui. So, marking as "won't fix". But if this issue is affecting you then please "thumbs up" this issue here, and comment over there at the justgetflux forum.

Check If You're Experiencing This Issue

To check if you are experiencing this issue, try running xflux manually with

xflux -l 0 -g 0 -k 3400 -nofork

If you get an error about

Sorry, we only support 8 and 10-bit displays right now.

then you're experiencing this issue!

Consider Trying -r 0 With Newer xflux Binary And Reporting Back

Looks like we may be able to fix this now by using the new xflux11 binary or xflux12 binary and passing -l 0 -g 0 -r 0, e.g.

./xflux12 -l 0 -g 0 -r 0 -k3400 -nofork

For some people this will work, but for others (such as @ntc2) it just causes a different error, e.g.

Found 1 screen.
Display 1 has 0 size
Sorry, we only support 8, 10, 11, and 12-bit displays right now.

See forum thread here: Not sure if the -r 0 will cause other problems, so perhaps the conservative thing to do is start without -r 0, detect the problem, and then restart with -r 0?

Consider Using Redshift Instead Of xflux

The fluxgui app now supports Redshift as the backend, in preference to xflux. If you're having issues with xflux, then try using Redshift instead, either via fluxgui, via the redshift-gtk indicator app, or via the command line. For example, you can use

redshift -v -t 4500:2500

to set day time color temp to 4500 and night time color temp to 2500. This is what I use on my work laptop, which has a fancy graphics card that is unsupported by Flux.

Original Issue Report

I'm running Xenial with Gnome desktop. As the title says, when I run either the gui or xflux from command line, there is no change in color. If I run the gui I get some useful messages, however.
Here is my terminal:

nate@nate-UX305:~$ fluxgui
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fluxgui/ GtkWarning: Cannot transform xsetting Net/IconThemeName of type gchararray to type GdkColor

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fluxgui/ GtkWarning: Cannot transform xsetting Net/IconThemeName of type gchararray to type gint





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