Full-page Chrome screenshots using ShutterBug in conjunction with Xebium #168
We need to support Chrome as well as Firefox and have run into the issue wherein Chrome, being W3C compliant in this area, takes screenshot of the top-level browsing context’s viewport only. Full-page screenshots are an absolute requirement for us.
The most viable solution we’ve uncovered is to use the well-regarded ShutterBug (https://github.com/assertthat/selenium-shutterbug) for this purpose (if you know of an easier/better approach, please let me know!).
It appears that the best way for us to use ShutterBug with FitNesse is to create a fixture for that purpose. Ironically, although we are a Java shop (and I personally spend most of my time architecting/writing java code), we have never written a fixture because our automated testing group exclusively uses FitNesse/Xebium/Selenium stack—though we make extensive use of Javascript via runScript
and storeEval
commands. Thus, fixtures are new territory for me.
In this post (http://disq.us/p/1kg9diy), the ShutterBug author suggests:
Probably the easiest would be to create a separate FitNesse fixture for taking screenshots with shutterbug, the only difficulty i foresee is that you'll need to pass WebDriver instance to it from Xebium WebDriver supplier, which is not easy ATM with Xebium (#120), so how you'll pass the driver instance is fully dependent on you implementation.
I don’t see how we could pass WebDriver instance to ShutterBug fixture via Xebium WebDriver supplier (DefaultWebDriverSupplier
). Is it possible, or would we be better off taking the approach of jguglielmi in the OASIS project and incorporating the Xebium DefaultWebDriverSupplier
code into our own?
Some guidance would be greatly appreciated!