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Spencer edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 3 revisions


Devotions is a Minecraft plugin that adds a highly customizeable deity worship system to your server. Players can select deities to worship, perform rituals, make offerings, and gain blessings, curses, or miracles based on their favor amount.

Be sure to join my Discord server or Open an issue for support.

Example Use


  • Deity Selection: Players can choose a deity to worship from a list of available deities, each with unique lore and details.
  • Rituals and Offerings: Engage in rituals and make offerings to gain favor or avoid the wrath of your chosen deity.
  • Shrines / Altars: Dedicate a shrine to your favored deity. Set a limit for the amount of shrines players can create.
  • Blessings and Curses: Based on the level of devotion, players can receive blessings or suffer curses.
  • Favor System: Players earn favor with their deity, which can decay over time if not maintained.
  • PlaceholderAPI Support: Integration with PAPI for placeholders like %devotions_deity%, %devotions_favor%, and %devotions_favor_top%.
  • Configurable: Fully configurable settings to tailor the experience to your server’s needs including deities, rituals, and sounds.


  1. Download the latest jar from Spigot.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar file into your server's plugins directory.
  3. Restart your Minecraft server.
  4. Customize the plugin using config.yml, deities.yml, rituals.yml, and sounds.yml.
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