- Brasov, Romania
(UTC +02:00) - https://alphara.art
dotfiles Public
Editable text files for configuring various programs for any *nix system as well as various links to other software I configured for my setup.Also includes a Void Linux Installer.
void-packages Public
Forked from void-linux/void-packagesThe Void source packages collection
edge-tts-gradio Public
Gradio Interface for Text-To-Speech using Edge TTS.
YOLO-Flutter Public
You Only Look Once (YOLO) application in Flutter, built as part of my entry at EUCYS 2023, representing Romania in Brussels.
oops-crabble Public
Scrabble Game for my OOP class.
flutter_vision Public
Forked from vladiH/flutter_visionA Flutter plugin for managing both Yolov5 / Yolov8 models and Tesseract v4, accessing with TensorFlow Lite 2.x. Support object detection, segmentation and OCR on both iOS and Android.
blog Public
My attempt at hosting a nice blog with markdown rendered SSG with the help of https://www.getzola.org/
shader-fractals Public
Playing around with OpenGL, GLSL, GLFW, GLEW by making Interactive Fractal Visualizations for Mandelbrot, Julia and more.
chaotic-attractors Public
Fork of https://github.com/orfeasliossatos/Coding-Projects tweaked and ported to Linux.
whisper-stt-gradio Public
Gradio Interface for Transcription and Translation using the Whisper Large V3 model for Speech-To-Text (STT) tasks.
whisper-appointments Public
Whisper Playground API bridged with Flowise API to direct pipelines over voice. In particular for appointment-booking.
acer-rgb-turbo Public
Forked from JafarAkhondali/acer-predator-turbo-and-rgb-keyboard-linux-moduleLinux kernel module to support Turbo mode and RGB Keyboard for Acer Predator notebook series
daily_planner Public
A complete To-Do App made in Flutter for Android, iOS and Web with Firebase.
OCR-Flutter Public
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application in Flutter, built as part of my entry at EUCYS 2023, representing Romania in Brussels.
dwm Public
My personal (and late) fork of https://dwm.suckless.org with optional WinIcons support.
st Public
My personal (and late) fork of https://st.suckless.org
go-game-of-life Public
My attempt at recreating Conway's game of life in Go whilst learning the language.
neural-art Public
Neural Style Transfer done from the CLI using a VGG backbone and presented as an MP4.
FreeFlow Public
My team's Code and Notes throughout the BEST Brasov Hackathon competition @ https://hackathon.bestbrasov.ro/
aspire-learning Public
My team's Code and Notes throughout the Green Tech Hackathon competition https://tsg.unitbv.ro/hackathon-green-tech/
meteo-board Public
My Code and Notes all throughout the competition https://code-envision.ro
slstatus Public
My personal (and late) fork of https://tools.suckless.org/slstatus with GPU VRAM metrics support.
neural-art-gui Public
Extension to the neural-art repo, serving as a GUI frontend.
nbfc-linux Public
Forked from nbfc-linux/nbfc-linuxNoteBook FanControl ported to Linux
NeuralODE-Notes-Projects Public
Repository for notes, projects and snippets on NODEs. Includes results after training CNN based networks with different methods on MNIST, CIFAR-10, CelebA and CatsAndDogs datasets accordingly.