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Go with Fun (Functions) is a small and useful Golang util function library. It Includes such as Empty、Blank、Strtotime、Similarity、HttpGet etc.
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go get -u github.com/x-funs/go-fun
package main
import (
func main() {
// Whether any type value is empty
// Whether string value is blank
fmt.Println(fun.Blank(" "))
// Return MD5 string from a string
// Auto parse datetime layout to int64 timestamp
fmt.Println(fun.StrToTime("2015-04-06 16:03:03"))
fmt.Println(fun.StrToTime("2015/04/06 16:03:03"))
// Slice deduplication filter
fmt.Println(fun.SliceUnique([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"}))
// Send a Simple HTTP GET request, Return HTML string
html, _ := fun.HttpGet("https://www.github.com")
Timestamp(millis ...any) int64
Return the current unix timestamp. -
Date(layouts ...any) string
Return the formatted datetime string. -
StrToTime(args ...any) int64
Auto parse datetime layout to int64 timestamp, just like PHP strtotime().
package main
import (
func main() {
// second timestamp
// 1673225645
// millisecond timestamp
// 1673225645077
// no arguments, format datetime now (default by '2006-01-02 15:04:05')
// 2006-01-02 15:04:05
// format datetime by timestamp (default by '2006-01-02 15:04:05')
// 2022-04-24 00:47:37
// use layout format datetime by timestamp
fmt.Println(fun.Date(time.RFC3339, 1650732457))
// 2022-04-24T00:47:37+08:00
// no arguments, same as Timestamp()
// 1673226381
// one day before now timestamp
fmt.Println(fun.StrToTime("-1 day"))
// 1673139981 (yesterday)
fmt.Println(fun.StrToTime("+1 day", 1673225645))
// 1673312045 (one day after a certain timestamp)
If(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal T) T
Verify condition is true, return trueVal or falseVal -
Empty(value any) bool
Verify whether value it is empty, support string, integer, array, slice, map 验证 -
EmptyAll(values ...any) bool
Verify whether values all are empty -
EmptyAny(values ...any) bool
Verify whether values any is empty -
MemoryBytes() map[string]int64
Return the current main memory metrics. -
Memory(format string) map[string]int64
Specified format return the current main memory metric. -
Bytes(s string) []byte
Efficient string to byte array, reference fromGin
String(b []byte) string
Efficient byte array to string, reference fromGin
Command(bin string, argv []string, baseDir string) ([]byte, error)
Execute system commands
package main
import (
func main() {
// true
// true
// true
// true
fmt.Println(fun.Empty(" "))
// false
// false
// false
Md5(str string) string
Return the Md5 string -
Md5Bit16(str string) string
Return the 16-bit Md5 string -
Sha1(str string) string
Return the Sha1 string -
Sha256(str string) string
Return the Sha256 string -
Sha384(str string) string
Return the Sha384 string -
Sha512(str string) string
Return the Sha512 string -
Base64Encode(str string) string
Return the Base64 string -
Base64Decode(str string) string
Return the Base64 decode string -
Base64UrlEncode(str string) string
Return the Url Safe Base64 string -
Base64UrlDecode(str string) string
Return the Url Safe Base64 decode string
IsNumber(str string) bool
Determine whether all strings are numbers -
IsUtf8(p []byte) bool
Determine whether it is a UTF-8 code -
IsASCIILetter(str string) bool
Determine whether all strings are ASCII letters -
IsLetter(str string) bool
Determine whether all strings are letters -
IsASCII(s string) bool
Determine whether the string is all ASCII -
IsEmail(str string) bool
Verify Email -
IsExist(path string) bool
Does the file or directory exist -
IsDir(path string) bool
Is it a directory
MapKeys[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K
Return slices of all keys of map -
MapValues[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []V
Return a slice of all values of map -
MapMerge[K comparable, V any](maps ...map[K]V) map[K]V
Merge multiple maps, if there are the same keys, the latter will overwrite the former
Max(a, b int) int
Take int maximum -
Min(a, b int) int
Take int minimum -
MaxInt64(a, b int64) int64
Take int64 maximum -
MinInt64(a, b int64) int64
Take int64 minimum -
MaxN[T GenNumber](args ...T) T
Take the maximum value of n numbers -
MinN[T GenNumber](args ...T) T
Take the minimum value of n numbers
Random() int
Return a random number[0, MaxInt)
RandomInt(min, max int) int
Return a random number[min, max)
RandomInt64(min, max int64) int64
Return a random number[min, max)
RandomString(length int) string
Return a random string of the specified length, including letters and numbers. -
RandomLetter(length int) string
Return a random string of the specified length, containing only letters. -
RandomNumber(length int) string
Return a random string of the specified length, containing only numbers. -
RandomPool(pool string, length int) string
Return a random string of the specified length from the supplied string pool
Matches(str, pattern string) bool
Determines whether the string matches the specified regular expression.
Similarity(a, b string) float64
Calculates the similarity of two original strings -
SimilarityText(a, b string) float64
Calculate the similarity of two strings after removing special symbols -
LongestCommonSubString(x, y string) int
Calculates the maximum common substring length of two strings
SliceSplit[T comparable](slice []T, size int) [][]T
Divide numeric and string slices according to the specified length -
SliceUnion[T comparable](slices ...[]T) []T
Sequential merge and deweight -
SliceColumn[T, V any](slice []T, key any) []V
Return a column of all rows -
IntsToStrings(slice []int) []string
Int slice to string slice -
StringsToInts(slice []string) []int
String slice to int slice -
SliceContains[T comparable](slice []T, v T) bool
Determine whether integer and string are in slice -
SliceUnique[T comparable](slice []T) []T
Devaluation of numeric and string slices (changes the order of elements) -
SliceIndex[T comparable](slice []T, v T) int
Find numeric and string slices according to the specified value -
SliceLastIndex[T comparable](slice []T, v T) int
The value and string slices are searched according to the specified value, and the last matching index is returned. -
SliceRemove[T comparable](slice []T, v T) []T
Removes the specified value from numeric and string slices -
SliceRemoveBlank(slice []string) []string
Remove null values from string slices -
SliceTrim(slice []string) []string
Trim string slices and automatically ignore null values -
SliceConcat[T any](slice []T, values ...[]T) []T
Merge multiple slices, non-degravimetric, non-original slices -
SliceEqual[T comparable](slice1, slice2 []T) bool
Are slices equal: the same length and the order and value of all elements are equal -
SliceEvery[T any](slice []T, predicate func(index int, item T) bool) bool
All elements in the slice satisfy the function, return true -
SliceNone[T any](slice []T, predicate func(index int, item T) bool) bool
Return true if all elements in the slice do not satisfy the function. -
SliceSome[T any](slice []T, predicate func(index int, item T) bool) bool
If one element in the slice satisfies the function, it Return true. -
SliceFilter[T any](slice []T, predicate func(index int, item T) bool) []T
Filter out all elements in the slice that satisfy the function -
SliceForEach[T any](slice []T, iteratee func(index int, item T))
All elements in the slice execute functions -
SliceMap[T any, U any](slice []T, iteratee func(index int, item T) U) []U
All elements in the slice execute functions and have return values. -
SliceReduce[T any](slice []T, iteratee func(index int, result, item T) T, initial T) T
Process all elements in slices to get results -
SliceReplace[T comparable](slice []T, old T, new T, n int) []T
Return a copy of the slice, with the first n elements replaced with the new -
SliceReplaceAll[T comparable](slice []T, old T, new T) []T
Return a copy of the slice, and all matching elements are replaced with new ones. -
SliceUnionBy[T any, V comparable](predicate func(item T) V, slices ...[]T) []T
Order merge and de-heavy, support custom functions -
SliceIntersection[T comparable](slices ...[]T) []T
Slices intersect and deweight (order cannot be guaranteed) -
SliceSortBy(slice any, field string, sortType ...string) error
Sort by field (field case should be consistent with field)
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(fun.SliceSplit([]string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}, 3))
// [[a b c] [d e f] [g]]
fmt.Println(fun.SliceUnion([]string{"123", "124"}, []string{"124", "125"}, []string{"123", "125"}))
// [123 124 125]
fun.SliceColumn[map[string]string, string]([]map[string]string{
{"name": "admin", "code": "YF4133"},
{"name": "user", "code": "MM8541"},
{"name": "test", "code": "KH0002"},
{"name": "demo", "code": "SJ9642"},
}, "code"),
// [YF4133 MM8541 KH0002 SJ9642]
StrBefore(s, char string) string
Intercept the substring before the position of the character when it first appears. -
StrBeforeLast(s, char string) string
Intercept the substring before the last appearance of the character -
StrAfter(s, char string) string
Interception of substrings after the position of the character when it first appears -
StrAfterLast(s, char string) string
Interception of substrings after the last appearance of the character -
Blank(str string) bool
Determine whether the string after Trim is blank. -
BlankAll(strs ...string) bool
Determine whether the string set after Trim is all blank. -
BlankAny(strs ...string) bool
Determine whether any string set after Trim contains a blank. -
HasPrefixCase(str, prefix string) bool
Determines whether the string starts with the specified prefix, ignoring case -
HasSuffixCase(str, prefix string) bool
Determine whether the string ends with the specified suffix, ignoring the case. -
SplitTrim(str, sep string) []string
The split string is a string slice, the split value is Trim, and the null value is automatically ignored. -
SplitTrimToInts(str, sep string) []int
The split string is an int slice, the split value is Trim, and the null value is automatically ignored. -
Contains(str, substr string) bool
Determines whether the string contains the specified substring -
ContainsCase(str, substr string) bool
Determine whether the string contains the specified substring, case-insensitive -
ContainsAny(str string, substr ...string) bool
Determine whether the string contains any of the specified substrings. -
SnakeToCamel(str string, bigCamel bool) string
Serpentine hump -
CamelToSnake(str string) string
Hump turns to snake -
PadLeft(str string, padStr string, padLen int) string
Fill the string on the left to the specified length -
PadRight(str string, padStr string, padLen int) string
The right side fills the string to the specified length. -
PadBoth(str string, padStr string, padLen int) string
Both sides fill the string to the specified length -
Wrap(str string, wrapStr string) string
Enclosed the original string with a string -
Unwrap(str string, wrapStr string) string
Remove string bounding, non-recursive -
Reverse(str string) string
Reverse string -
Remove(str, remove string) string
Removes the specified string in the string -
RemovePrefix(str, prefix string) string
Removes the string specified in the string on the left -
RemoveSuffix(str string, suffix string) string
The right side removes the specified string in the string. -
RemoveAny(str string, removes ...string) string
Removes the string set specified in the string -
RemoveSign(str string) string
Write all the data of the string into one line in turn, and remove meaningless strings (punctuation marks, symbols) -
RemoveLines(str string) string
Remove line breaks, which include \n \r\n. -
SubString(str string, pos, length int) string
String interception -
NormaliseSpace(str string) string
Normalized the white space in this string, multiple spaces are merged into one space, and all white space characters such as line breaks and tabs are converted to a simple space. -
NormaliseLine(str string) string
Standardize line breaks in this string, and merge multiple line breaks into one line break. -
Template(tpl string, data any) (string, error)
Template rendering
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(fun.StrBefore("http://admin:123123@", ":"))
// http
fmt.Println(fun.StrAfter("https://github.com", "://"))
// github.com
fmt.Println(fun.StrBeforeLast("video.mp4.bak", "."))
// video.mp4
fmt.Println(fun.StrAfterLast("video.mp4.bak", "."))
// bak
StructCopy(src, dst any)
Copy struct object
Ip2Long(ipStr string) uint32
String IP to integer -
Long2Ip(long uint32) string
Integer to string IP -
ToString(value any) string
Converts any type to a string -
ToInt(value any) int
Number or string to int type -
ToLong(value any) int64
ToInt64 alias, number or string to int64 -
ToBool(str string) bool
string to bool type -
ToUint(value any) uint
Number or string to uint -
ToUint8(value any) uint8
Number or string to uint8 -
ToInt64(value any) int64
Number or string to int64 -
ToFloat32(value any) float32
Number or string to float32 -
ToFloat64(value any) float64
Number or string to float64 -
ToUtf8(origin []byte, encode string) ([]byte, error)
Specify character set conversion utf-8 -
Utf8To(utf8 []byte, encode string) ([]byte, error)
utf-8 to specify character set -
ToJson(object any) string
Converts an object to a Json string -
ToJsonIndent(object any) string
Converts an object to a Indent Json string -
ToDuration(value any) time.Duration
Converts number or string to time.Duration, default is Nanosecond, string support "ns,ms,us,s,m,h" -
ToDurationMs(value any) time.Duration
Converts number or string to time.Duration, default is Millisecond, string support "ns,ms,us,s,m,h"
Mkdir(dir string, perm os.FileMode) error
Create a directory, ignoring if the directory already exists -
FileExists(path string) bool
Check whether the directory or file exists, return bool -
WriteFile(name string, data []byte, flag int, perm os.FileMode, sync bool) error
write file shortcut -
WriteFileAppend(name string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode, sync bool) error
write file shortcut with append mode
HttpXXResp the suffix, the return value is *Response
HttpXXDo the suffix, Need to pass parameters *Request
HttpGet(urlStr string, args ...any) ([]byte, error)
The HttpGet parameter is the request address (HttpReq, timeout) -
HttpPost(urlStr string, args ...any) ([]byte, error)
The HttpPost parameter is the request address (body io.Reader, HttpReq, timeout) -
HttpPostForm(urlStr string, args ...any) ([]byte, error)
The HttpPostForm parameter is the request address (FormData map[string]string, HttpReq, timeout) -
HttpPostJson(urlStr string, args ...any) ([]byte, error)
The HttpPostJson parameter is the request address (JsonData string, HttpReq, timeout) -
UrlParse(rawURL string) (*url.URL, error)
Parses the string URL to the URL object. There will be no mistakes without scheme. -
UserAgentRandom() string
generates a random DESKTOP browser user-agent on every requests . -
UserAgentRandomMobile() string
generates a random MOBILE browser user-agent on every requests.