- Configure aws credentials(.aws/credentials) on your host.
- Setup the related resources(S3 bucket, iam roles, sshkey, security group) in your aws account by running this command
gradle run --args="setup"
this command will generate a file .aoc-stack.yml in the current work dir. you can also provide .aoc-stack.yml in the current work dir before setup so that the setup command will create the resources base on your stack file, below is an example of the stack file(you will need to adjust the s3 bucket name as it's global unique and someone has already occupy it):
testingRegion: "us-west-2"
s3ReleaseCandidateBucketName: "aoc-release-candidate"
s3BucketName: "aws-opentelemetry-collector-test"
sshKeyS3BucketName: "aoc-ssh-key"
traceDataS3BucketName: "trace-expected-data"
Firstly, you may want to upload the packages to s3 for testing.
run below command for uploading
gradle run --args="release -t=S3Release --local-packages-dir={the path to the packages you want to upload}"
an example for the local-package-dir, the VERSION file contains the package version like "v0.1.10".
|-- debian
| |-- amd64
| | `-- aws-opentelemetry-collector.deb
| `-- arm64
| `-- aws-opentelemetry-collector.deb
|-- linux
| |-- amd64
| | `-- aws-opentelemetry-collector.rpm
| `-- arm64
| `-- aws-opentelemetry-collector.rpm
|-- windows
| `-- amd64
| `-- aws-opentelemetry-collector.msi
`-- awscollector.tar
gradle run --args="integ-test -t=EC2_TEST --package-version={the version you want to test}"
gradle run --args="integ-test -t=ECS_TEST -a=ECS_OPTIMIZED --package-version={the version you want to test} -e ecsLaunchType=EC2"
gradle run --args="integ-test -t=ECS_TEST --package-version={the version you want to test} -e ecsLaunchType=FARGATE"
gradle run --args="clean -t=ECSClean --package-version={the version you want to test}"
- "-k eksClusterName": provide the name of EKS cluster on which run this test. (mandatory unless your specify kubeconfigPath)
- "-k kubectlPath": provide the path of kubectl binary to connect to your EKS cluster. (optional, if absent, a default binary will be downloaded)
- "-k kubeconfigPath": provide the path of kubeconfig. (optional, if absent, the kubeconfig will be generated according to your EKS cluster)
- "-k iamAuthenticatorPath": provide the path of aws-iam-authenticator binary to authenticate connection to your EKS cluster. (optional, if absent, a default binary will be downloaded)
- "-k eksTestManifestName": specify the test manifest under dir /templates/eks to deploy to your EKS cluster for testing. (optional, if absent, a default test manifest will be used)
gradle run --args="integ-test -t=EKS_TEST --package-version={the version you want to test} -k eksClusterName=my-cluster-name"
- "-k eksClusterName": provide the name of EKS cluster on which run this test. (mandatory unless your specify kubeconfigPath)
- "-k kubectlPath": provide the path of kubectl binary to connect to your EKS cluster. (optional, if absent, a default binary will be downloaded)
- "-k kubeconfigPath": provide the path of kubeconfig. (optional, if absent, the kubeconfig will be generated according to your EKS cluster)
- "-k iamAuthenticatorPath": provide the path of aws-iam-authenticator binary to authenticate connection to your EKS cluster. (optional, if absent, a default binary will be downloaded)
gradle run --args="clean -t=EKSClean --package-version={the version you want to test} -k eksClusterName=my-cluster-name"
gradle run --args="-h"
gradle run --args="integ-test -h"
gradle run --args="release -h"
this action wraps the command lines, so it could be used in github workflow to perform integ-test and release for aoc.
value could be integ-test
, release
, candidate
value is integ-test
by default
the remaining options for command the value is "-t=EC2Test -s=build/packages/.aoc-stack-test.yml" by default.
uses: wyTrivail/aocintegtest@master
running_type: integ-test
opts: "-t=EC2Test -s=build/packages/.aoc-stack-test.yml"
We have collected notes on how to contribute to this project in CONTRIBUTING.md.