Starred repositories
[使用文档] Android 快速构建 RecyclerView, 比 BRVAH 更简单强大
🔥 ZXing的精简极速版,优化扫码和生成二维码/条形码,内置闪光灯等功能。扫描风格支持:微信的线条样式,支付宝的网格样式。几句代码轻松拥有扫码功能 ,ZXingLite让集成更简单。(扫码识别速度快如微信)
A powerful and easy-to-use video compression library for android uses MediaCodec API.
图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iC…
Tree View; Mind map; Think map; tree map; custom view; 自定义;关系图;树状图;思维导图;组织机构图;层次图
Stable Diffusion web UI
A tool which is uses to remove Windows Defender in Windows 8.x, Windows 10 (every version) and Windows 11.
Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
Powerful batch script to dismantle complete windows defender protection and even bypass tamper protection ..Disable Windows-Defender Permanently....Hack windows. POC
Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video).
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
Picture Selector Library for Android or 图片选择器
Android的标签列表控件。可以设置标签的选中效果。 可以设置标签的选中类型:不可选中、单选、限数量多选和不限数量多选等, 并支持设置必选项、单行显示、最大显示行数等功能。
An open source Android library that makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
Make Android transparent statusbar and navigationbar easy.
Gradle plugin for `` file generation
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.
AlphaPlayer is a video animation engine.