Tags: wpmudev/events-and-bookings
- Enhance: New Admin Icon - Enhance: Improved some admin styles - Enhance: Improved gCal button styles - Enhance: Wording changes for better UX - Enhance: Improved UI feature in Settings Page - Enhance: Some code refactoring in main file - Fix: some warnings/notices - Fix: PO file (missing some translations) - Fix: Monthly calendar dates were being displayed wrong - Fix: Weekly Calendar Module - Date Header was not correct - Fix: Line breaks missing from description line in exported iCal file - Fix: E+ and MarketPress interlinked but not usable - Fix: Price when processing Paypal Request - Fix: Event RSVPs attendees export - Fix: Recurrent rules generator - Fix: The URLs in screenshot doesnt have a trailing slash and in result shows 404 error, Events at the same time don't show on calendar - Fix: Updated Facebook Graph URL - Fix: Bug affecting newer versions of MySQL - Fix: Plugin was not sending password link - Fix: Weekly calendar month was not translatable - Fix: When "Alert RSVPs on event modification" add-on is activated on site then saving settings in Events dont work - Fix: Preview of Groupevents doesnt work as expected - Fix: Events at the same time dont show on calendar - Fix: Featured image issues and BuddyPress Events - Fix: Error message when posting a group event using BuddyPress - Fix: Fatal error when exporting BuddyPress fields in CSV