This library can help you in situation when you have an array and it gonna be change after some handling and you want to catch those changes for insert/update/delete them into a table of database (for example). May be it will need you for something else.
array-state-observer can be installed by using Composer, just run this command in your project:
composer require world-warm-worm/array-state-observer
Simple example of calling and using library:
use WorldWarmWorm\ArrayStateObserver\SimpleArrayObserver;
// we have some dummy initial data. let it be three ids of something
$before = [1, 2, 3];
// let's change initial data through some job with it
$after = array_slice($before, 0, 2);
// here we have object of SimpleArrayObserver that contains calculated data
$observer = SimpleArrayObserver::init($before, $after);
// here we want to get all of calculated data
$result = $observer->all();
// that's it!
// short notation
// var_dump(SimpleArrayObserver::init($before, $after)->all());
array(2) {
array(0) {
array(1) {
string(1) "3"
In case we are sure that the data will only be deleted or only added, the corresponding methods are provided. In the example above we removed the last id from the array. So we can confidently use method deleted() and get only deleted id to work with it further:
var_dump(SimpleArrayObserver::init($before, $after)->deleted());
array(1) {
You are welcome to array-state-observer