A console-graphical, AI powered Sokoban game written in Python.
For Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
's assignment @hcmut.
- Parse puzzle from file
- Interactive play. You can control the hero with the arrow keys. Currently supports only Windows.
- AI searching. Use Depth first search or A* to search for solution. Replay the solution if found.
Run with Python 3.9 or newer. No dependency is needed.
If the program can't draw the game correctly, try widening your terminal.
python main.py –p <path_to_map_file>
[-h] [-i] [-s (dfs|astar)] [-t <time_in_second>]
[-f <frame_per_second>] [--optimal] [--visual]
[-h]: Show this help
-p <path_to_map_file>: The path to the map file. e.g. -p maps/nabo1.txt
[-i]: Enable interactive play mode. Use arrow keys to control the hero.
[-s (dfs|astar)]: Choose search algorithm. e.g. -s astar
[--visual]: Draw state after each node visit. Will greatly decrease the performance.
[--no-replay]: Do not replay the solution after one is found.
[--optimal]: Continue the search even if a solution is found (seek optimal).
[-t <time_in_second>]: Stop the search after the given time is reached. This option has higher privilege than --optimal.
[-f <frame_per_second>]: The frame rate in which the replay will play after a solution is found.
> python main.py -p maps/micro1.txt -s astar
Will run a* algorithm for the puzzle micro1.txt
> python main.py -p maps/micro1.txt -s astar --visual
Will draw the game state after each node visit.
> python main.py -p maps/nabo1.txt -s dfs
Will run depth first search algorithm for the puzzle nabo1.txt
> python main.py -p maps/micro2.txt -s dfs --optimal -t 10
Will run depth first search algorithm for micro2.txt, continue searching for optimal solution even if a solution is found, but do not exceed the time limit which is 10.
- Create a text file inside
or anywhere you like. You just need to specify the correct file path when you run the program. - Refer to the
class in the code for the character being used to build the map.