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python-oauth2 is a framework that aims at making it easy to provide authentication via OAuth 2.0 within an application stack.



python-oauth2 has reached its beta phase. All main parts of the OAuth 2.0 RFC such as the various types of Grants, Refresh Token and Scopes have been implemented. However, bugs might occur or implementation details might be wrong.


python-oauth2 is available on PyPI.

pip install python-oauth2


Example Authorization server::

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server import oauth2 import oauth2.grant import oauth2.error import import oauth2.tokengenerator import oauth2.web

# Create a SiteAdapter to interact with the user. # This can be used to display confirmation dialogs and the like. class ExampleSiteAdapter(oauth2.web.SiteAdapter):

def authenticate(self, request, environ, scopes):
if request.post_param("confirm") == "1":
return {}

raise oauth2.error.UserNotAuthenticated

def render_auth_page(self, request, response, environ, scopes):
response.body = '''
<form method="POST" name="confirmation_form">
<input name="confirm" type="hidden" value="1" /> <input type="submit" value="confirm" />



return response

# Create an in-memory storage to store your client apps. client_store = # Add a client client_store.add_client(client_id="abc", client_secret="xyz",


# Create an in-memory storage to store issued tokens. # LocalTokenStore can store access and auth tokens token_store =

# Create the controller. auth_controller = oauth2.Provider(

access_token_store=token_store, auth_code_store=token_store, client_store=client_store, site_adapter=ExampleSiteAdapter(), token_generator=oauth2.tokengenerator.Uuid4()


# Add Grants you want to support auth_controller.add_grant(oauth2.grant.AuthorizationCodeGrant()) auth_controller.add_grant(oauth2.grant.ImplicitGrant())

# Add refresh token capability and set expiration time of access tokens # to 30 days auth_controller.add_grant(oauth2.grant.RefreshToken(expires_in=2592000))

# Wrap the controller with the Wsgi adapter app = oauth2.web.Wsgi(server=auth_controller)

if __name__ == "__main__":
httpd = make_server('', 8080, app) httpd.serve_forever()

Storage adapters

python-oauth2 handles the request/response flow needed to create a OAuth 2.0 token. It does not define how a token is stored so you can choose the persistence strategy that works best for you. It is possible to write a token to mysql or mongodb for persistence, save it in memcache or redis for fast access or mix both approaches. This flexibility is achieved by the use of storage adapters that define an interface which is called by a Grant handler during processing.

The module defines base classes for each type of storage. Also take a look at the examples in the examples directory of the project.

Site adapter

Like for storage, python-oauth2 does not define how you identify a user or show a confirmation dialogue. Instead your application should use the API defined by oauth2.web.SiteAdapter.