The code below renders correctly in the web and I am able to scroll between them and move to the page corresponding to the item in the TabBar when clicked. The same goes for the Android implementation when running from my phone but the TabBar is not visible.
Related to
- Components
- Demo
- Docs
- Typings
Steps to reproduce
Create an expo project and try running in both the web and android.
Expected behavior
I expected the TabBar to render on the bottom of the screen of my phone.
Actual behavior
TabBar is not visible at all but I am able to scroll between the tabs.
Code snippet
const Page = () => {
return (
<View style={{height:"100%", flex:1}}>
items={[{ label: 'Page1' }, { label: 'Page2' }, { label: 'Page3' }, { label: 'Page4' }]}
<TabController.TabPage index={0}><Page1/></TabController.TabPage>
<TabController.TabPage index={1}><Page2/></TabController.TabPage>
<TabController.TabPage index={2}><Page3/></TabController.TabPage>
<TabController.TabPage index={3}><Page4/></TabController.TabPage>
<TabController.TabBar enableShadows backgroundColor="black"/>
- Windows 10
- React Native version: 0.74.5
- React Native UI Lib version: ^7.31.0
Affected platforms
- Android
- iOS
- Web