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bug: "role windmill_user does not exist" on initial install #5079



Describe the bug

hey all,

i tried running thewindmill docker image for the first time and somehow i ended up with this error error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist.

This happens on initial migrations that are run on setup

2025-01-16T21:45:33.898008Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Finished applying migration 20221104105107
2025-01-16T21:45:33.898034Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Started applying migration 20221104111317: completed job-raw lock
2025-01-16T21:45:33.915238Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Finished applying migration 20221104111317
2025-01-16T21:45:33.915281Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Started applying migration 20221104135246: flow-dependency job
2025-01-16T21:45:33.933547Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Finished applying migration 20221104135246
2025-01-16T21:45:33.933594Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Started applying migration 20221105003256: grant all
2025-01-16T21:45:33.934119Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Finished applying migration 20221105003256
Error: Migrating database: while executing migration 20221105003256: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist

Caused by:
    0: while executing migration 20221105003256: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist
    1: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist
    2: role "windmill_user" does not exist
Binary is in 'standalone' mode
jemalloc enabled
Connecting to database...
2025-01-16T21:45:41.183529Z  INFO src/ PostgreSQL version: PostgreSQL 14.15 (Debian 14.15-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit (windmill require PG >= 14)
2025-01-16T21:45:41.184069Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Acquiring global PG lock for potential migration with pid: Some(82)
2025-01-16T21:45:41.184522Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Acquired global PG lock
2025-01-16T21:45:41.185638Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Started applying migration 20221105003256: grant all
2025-01-16T21:45:41.185943Z  INFO windmill-api/src/ Finished applying migration 20221105003256
Error: Migrating database: while executing migration 20221105003256: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist

Caused by:
    0: while executing migration 20221105003256: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist
    1: error returned from database: role "windmill_user" does not exist
    2: role "windmill_user" does not exist
Binary is in 'standalone' mode
jemalloc enabled
Connecting to database...

any idea what is causing this? the postgres db was also fresh.

To reproduce

run the container

docker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="Europe/Berlin"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Winston"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="windmill"
  -e 'DATABASE_URL'='postgres://windmill:REDACTED@postgres:5432/windmill?sslmode=disable'
  -e 'WORKER_GROUP'='default'
  -e 'MODE'='standalone'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8000]'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=''
  -p '8005:8000/tcp'
  -p '2525:2525/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/temporary/temp/windmill/log':'/tmp/windmill/logs':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/temporary/temp/windmill/cache':'/tmp/windmill/cache':'rw'
  -v '/var/run/docker.sock':'/var/run/docker.sock':'rw'
  --restart unless-stopped ''

Expected behavior

Just do all migrations and launch


No response

Browser information


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Additional Context

No response




bugSomething isn't working


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