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React presentation boilerplate

A minimal presentation boilerplate made with:

  • React
  • React router
  • Node Sass
  • Webpack

Getting started

npm install
npm run server
open http://localhost:3000

Adding slides

  1. Duplicate one of the folders inside
  2. Number the new folder accordingly
  3. Restart the sever and the new slide will appear in the correct place
  4. Edit the HTML in the slide index.jsx file. On save, changes will appear automatically on the browser.


Add images

Put the image in the slide's folder, then put this block of code in the slide jsx template where you want the image to appear, set the appropriate % padding and you are ready to go:

<figure className="SlideItem-inlineFigure" style={{ paddingTop: '30%' }}>
  <img src={require("./my-image-name.jpg")} />

Add styles with an external style sheet.

If you need more complex styles, and inline styles are not enough, you can load an external style sheet by creating an index.scss file in the slide folder. Then uncomment line 6 in slide's index.jsx:


You should prevent styles propagation, so I'd suggest you to wrap all your custom rules in

.SlideItem[data-id="SLIDE_ID"] {
  // all your rules

where SLIDE_ID is the name of the slide foder (eg: 02). Moreover, if you need global vars/utils just add at the beginning of index.scss:

@import '../../scss/_default';

Export static HTML

npm run build

This will generate a build folder will all the files needed to run the presentation. Just copy those files anywhere and index.html will work.

Export a PDF

The simplest way to get a PDF of the entire slideshow is:

  1. press the keyboad key P, this will trigger the slideshow's list view
  2. print it from your browser menu. Each slide should be on a single page.

Add Javascript libraries with Bower

Install the library as usual (bower install xyz). Then open webpack.config.js and add an additional line after the config variable:

config.addVendor('libname', '/libpath/libfile.js');

Where libname is the name that you will use with require (es: 'jquery') and libpath is the library path relative to the Bower folder (so without bower_components). If you want to use different files between dev/production environments, then use isProduction flag. Webpack will minify it anyway on build.


Slide deck boilerplate made with React






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