livecode Public
Forked from kamyarinfinity/livecodeAn HTML/CSS/JS Presentation Framework, like codepen.io
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2014 -
rails-example Public
Forked from stbutler11/rails-exampleRails quickstart application for deployment on openshift
Ruby UpdatedApr 1, 2014 -
SnapSnatcher Public
Forked from shirioko/SnapSnatcherDesktop client to download Snapchat messages while still using it on your mobile device.
C# UpdatedMar 13, 2014 -
bitcore Public
Forked from bitpay/bitcoreBitcore is a complete, native interface to the Bitcoin network, and provides the core functionality needed to develop apps for bitcoin.
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 26, 2014 -
JavaSnap Public
Forked from hatboysam/JavaSnapUnofficial Java API Client for Snapchat
Java UpdatedFeb 9, 2014 -
pysnap Public
Forked from mpolden/pysnapPython library for the Snapchat API
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 9, 2014 -
ruby2-rails4-bootstrap-heroku Public
Forked from diowa/ruby2-rails4-bootstrap-herokuA Starter Application based on Ruby2 Rails4 and Twitter Bootstrap, deployable on Heroku, developable on Nitrous.IO
Ruby Other UpdatedFeb 8, 2014 -
node-snapchat Public
Forked from lucasad/node-snapchatA SnapChat client in Node.js
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2014 -
snapchat-fs Public
Forked from hausdorff/snapchat-fsTurns Snapchat into a datastore that can manage and store your files.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2014 -
snapweb Public
Forked from snapweb/snapwebA web app and HTTP client for snapchat.
summernote-test-r3 Public
Forked from rorlab/summernote-test-r3A sample project with Rails 3.2.16 using summernote-rails gem
Ruby UpdatedDec 30, 2013 -
ohsnap Public
A desktop snapchat client using the snaphax PHP library by tlack, and the Google Chrome Dekstop App API.
UpdatedDec 23, 2013 -
5napchat-js Public
Forked from lucasad/5napchat-jsA browser based snapchat client.
snaphax Public
Forked from tlack/snaphaxA PHP library to use the Snapchat API
PHP MIT License UpdatedNov 10, 2013 -
drush Public
Forked from drush-ops/drushDrush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
PHP UpdatedOct 29, 2013 -
node-snapchat-1 Public
Forked from oliviert/node-snapchatSnapchat client library
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2013 -
snap-client Public
Forked from drewhammond/snap-clientAn unstable external Snapchat client written in PHP
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2013 -
Bits Public
Forked from jakiestfu/BitsBits Editor is your personal playground to develop in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, all from your own server.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2013 -
open_fiddle Public
A JS fiddle clone ( ripoff ) with jQuery && Django
JavaScript UpdatedJun 12, 2012