This project build a continuous integration server for php.
This server contains Jenkins and Sonar with some usefull plugins :
- Sonar plugin for Jenkins
- Build Breaker plugin for Sonar
Clone the project and add your Vagrantfile.
$ git clone
Add your custom config in the Vagrantfile
. See vagrant doc
To create the server execute
$ vagrant up
Wait for the server to be ready.
Now you have to configure jenkins plugins.
- Sonar : [http://localhost:9001]((http://localhost:9001)
- Jenkins : (http://localhost:8181
Add a shell script
rm -rf .sonar/
cp app/config/ app/config/parameters.ini
php bin/vendors install
php app/console doctrine:database:drop --force --env=test
php app/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --env=test
php app/console widop:fixtures:load --env=test
php app/console cache:clear --env=test
php app/console assetic:dump --env=test
If you want Jenkins to call Sonar at the end of a build you have to add some configuration in your project configuration.
Go to Project > Configure > Sonar and add those propreties.
For example
# sonar.tests=
If you want to skip phpDepend analyse because of php54 problem please add sonar.phpDepend.skip=true to your sonar configuration.