When looking at the docstrings of solara.Head
we see this:
A component that manager the "head" tag of the page to avoid duplicate tags, such as titles.
Currently only supports the [title](/documentation/components/page/title) tag as child, e.g.:
import solara
def Page():
with solara.VBox() as main:
with solara.Head():
solara.Title("My page title")
return main
However in the docs of solara.Meta
we see that this can also be in the solara.Head
"""Add a meta tag to the head element, or replace a meta tag with the same name and or property.
This component should be used inside a [Head](/documentation/components/page/head) component, e.g.:
import solara
def Page():
with solara.VBox() as main:
with solara.Head():
solara.Meta(name="description", property="og:description", content="My page description")
solara.Meta(property="og:title", content="My page title for social media")
solara.Meta(property="og:image", content="")
solara.Meta(property="og:type", content="website")
return main
Anyway, my point is.. i have been trying various approaches and I can't get the open-graph tags to propaga to the head correctly.
I have tried various attempts to include them in my Layout
component (which is practically identical to the one solara offers for multi-page apps, with an attempt to add the meta og tags).
I have also tried following the example from the
page itself that is also in the solara repo, but also nothing.
Either there is some funny bug, or am i doing something wrong (probably the latter since the website works).
Can someone please explain what is the expected way of using these components to add the OG/Twitter tags?
Many thanks!