AndroidMemoryTool is a memory reader and writer tool designed for android and linux os's .This Tool is written in python using ctypes not affective as c. If you find any bug or not working function you can contact me.
- Date : 2022/03/23
- Author : Abdul Moez
- Version : 0.4
- Study : UnderGraduate in GCU Lahore, Pakistan
- Repository :
- Documentation:
GNU General Public License
Copyright (c) 2022 AbdulMoez
1. This documentation is for 0.4 version (UPDATED)
2. You can find old version on pypi if you want to use them
-> Optimized the code
-> Increase Stability
-> Fixed Known bugs:
-> Fixed Simple Text search returning same values as previous search problem
-> Fixed Increasing Values/address problem in Fast search algorithms
-> Fixed output pattern in raw dump
-> Added Reset function for queue
-> Added Hex Pattern Finder 87 ?? BB
-> Added Hex search for (Float, Dword, Double)
-> Added support for fork() process (by default takes first pid as parent)
-> Added Manually PID entering support either in int or string (pid=714 or pid="714")
-> Can raw dump from Custom start_address-end_address ("4754D6E6-5754D6E6" or "")
-> Added Known error files and its fixes in ( file
-> Added Support to dump map file
-> Added UTF-8 and UTF-16E support for lib read/write
-> Added a Detailed Documentation File
-> Added Documentation string stub in AndroidMemoryTool class
Python 3.x
Android Requirements -> Rooted Device Needed
Simply install it by pip and use it in your project
pip install androidMemoryTool==0.4
Or by cloning and then run command
pip install .
Project live at
Memory Tool with example which can be found in the
Android-Py-Cheats-Script @ 9d2520e
- Getting Process ID
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool.get_pid('ac_client') # for android use package name e.g(
- Getting Module Base
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
pid = AndroidMemoryTool.get_pid('ac_client')
base_addr = AndroidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(pid, "")
- Searching and Read process memory
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
# initialize tool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client", TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD, SPEED_MODE=False, WORKERS=55,
values = tool.read_value(100)
founded_offsets = values[0]
founded_values = values[1]
- Search and Write process memory
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
# initialize tool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client", TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD, SPEED_MODE=False, WORKERS=55,
values1 = tool.read_write_value(100, 10)
- Read address value
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
pid = AndroidMemoryTool.get_pid('ac_client')
base_addr = AndroidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(pid, "")
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client", TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD)
values1 = tool.read_lib(base_addr, 0xfff150d)
- Write address value
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
pid = AndroidMemoryTool.get_pid('ac_client')
base_addr = AndroidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(pid, "")
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client", TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD)
values1 = tool.write_lib(base_addr, 0xfff150d, 58)
- Raw Dump Process memory
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client")
dump = tool.raw_dump(lib_name='', path='/home/kali/Documents/')
print(dump) # True or False
- Address Refiner
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client", TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD, SPEED_MODE=False, WORKERS=55,
values = tool.read_value(100)
founded_offsets = values[0]
refined_address = tool.refiner_address(list_address=founded_offsets, value_to_refine=50)
- Find Hex Pattern
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG=662, SPEED_MODE=True, WORKERS=55,
found_pattern = tool.find_hex_pattern("87 ?? 2B")
for index in range(0, len(found_pattern[0])):
print(f"{found_pattern[0][index]}: {found_pattern[2][index]}")
print(f"Total Pattern found: {found_pattern[1]}")
- Dump Maps
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
tool = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG="ac_client")
is_dumped = tool.dump_maps(path="./")
You can found detailed documentation here
Some known errors and their solutions can be found here
All data types are signed.
Range | Name | Type |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | DWORD | signed int |
3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits) | FLOAT | float |
1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits) | DOUBLE | double |
-32,768 to 32,767 | WORD | signed short int |
-128 to 127 | BYTE | signed char |
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | QWORD | signed long long |
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | XOR | signed long |
Random | UTF_8 | Text |
Random | UTF_16LE | Text |
Script Name | Name | Description |
ALL | Whole Memory | Whole Memory of current process (slow) |
C_ALLOC | C++ alloc | RAM c++ Allocated memory |
A_ANONYMOUS | Anonymous | Range with r-w access only |
CODE_APP | Code App | shared libs memory (dangerous) |
JAVA_HEAP | Java Heap | Java heap |
C_HEAP | C++ Heap | Heap memory of cpp |
C_DATA | C++ .data | .Data Memory |
C_BSS | C++ .bss | .bss section memory |
J_Java | Java | Java memory section |
STACK | Stack | Stack Memory |
ASHMEM | Ashmen | Ashmen Memory |
V_video | Video | Video memory range |
B_Bad | Bad | Bad Memory (dangerous) |
CODE_SYSTEM | Code system | Code system memory (dangerous) |
If you need assistance, you can ask for help on my mailing list:
- Email :
I also created a Discord group:
- Server :
If you want to support me you can buy me coffee.
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