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:octocat: Build and push docker images caching each stage to reduce build time


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Docker build-with-cache action

This action builds your docker image and cache the stages (supports multi-stage builds) to improve building times in subsequent builds.

By default it pushes the image with all the stages to a registry (needs username and password), but you can disable this feature setting push_image_and_stages to false.



image_name: Image name with namespace (eg: whoan/node).


username: Docker registry's user (needed to push image to repository, or to pull from private repository).

password: Docker registry's password (needed to push image to repository, or to pull from private repository).

registry: Docker registry (default: Docker Hub's registry).

image_tag: Tag(s) of the image to build (default: latest). You can provide multiple comma-separated tags (eg: latest,one,another)

context: Docker context (default: ./).

dockerfile: Dockerfile filename path (default: "$context"/Dockerfile)

push_image_and_stages: Set to false to avoid pushing to registry (default: true). You might want to set this option to false if you plan to use this action for PRs to avoid overriding cached stages in the registry.

push_git_tag: In addition to image_tag, you can also push the git tag in your branch tip (default: false)

pull_image_and_stages: Set to false to avoid pulling from registry (default: true). You might want to set this option to false if you plan to rebuild image from the scratch.

build_extra_args: Provide extra arguments to docker build. eg: "--compress=true --build-arg=hello=world"



How it works

The action does the following every time it is triggered:

  • Pull previously pushed stages (if any) from the specified registry (default:
  • Build the image using cache (ie: using the pulled stages)
  • Push each stage of the built image to the registry with the name <image_name>-stages:<1,2,3,...>
  • Push the image itself like <image_name>:<image_tag>
  • (Optional) Push any git tag if available as <image_name>:<git_tag>

Example usage

Minimal example:

- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v4
    image_name: whoan/node

You can see a full working example in this repo using GitHub's registry:

- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v4
    username: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}"
    password: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}"
    image_name: whoan/docker-images/node
    image_tag: alpine-slim
    push_git_tag: true
    context: node-alpine-slim
    build_extra_args: "--compress=true --build-arg=hello=world"

More info here on how to get username/password for GitHub's registry.

Another example for Google Cloud Platform and more custom settings:

- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v4
    username: _json_key
    password: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}"
    image_name: your_id/your_image
    image_tag: latest,and,more,tags
    context: sub_folder_in_your_repo
    dockerfile: custom.dockerfile
    push_image_and_stages: false  # useful when you are setting a workflow to run on PRs

You can use AWS ECR in this way (Example taken from this issue comment by @jbarop -> thanks!):

- name: Configure AWS credentials
  uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
    aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
    aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
    aws-region: your-region-1

- name: Get AWS ECR credentials
  id: ecr-credentials
  run: |
    echo "::set-output name=username::AWS"
    echo "::set-output name=password::`aws ecr get-login-password`"

- name: Docker build
  uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@master
    username: ${{ steps.ecr-credentials.outputs.username }}
    password: ${{ steps.ecr-credentials.outputs.password }}
    registry: ${{ secrets.AWS_ECR_REGISTRY }}
    image_name: some-image-name

Cache is not working?

Be aware of the conditions that can invalidate your cache:

  • Be specific with the base images. If you start from an image with latest tag, it may download different versions when the action is triggered, and it will invalidate the cache.
