| This role adds the possibility to do firmware updates on PC Engines devices.
It checks if the firmware is already on the target version and flashes the firmware if required. Parameters for automatic reboot and enforcement are optionally available.
For an overview about the available firmware please have a look at PC Engines - Github.
Automating firmware updates is essential to a secure environment.
- PC Engines
Install from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install while_true_do.firmware_pcengines_apu
Install from Github
git clone https://github.com/while-true-do/ansible-role-firmware-pcengines-apu.git while_true_do.firmware_pcengines_apu
Used Modules:
- command_module
- fail_module
- file_module
- get_url_module
- include_tasks_module
- package_module
- unarchive_module
This role depends on the below roles. You have to install them:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
# defaults/main.yml for firmware_pcengines_apu
- dmidecode
- flashrom
# target BIOS version
# example: "v4.8.0.1"
wtd_firmware_pcengines_apu_bios_version: ""
# enforce flashing regardless of version
wtd_firmware_pcengines_apu_force_flash: false
# reboot after flash
wtd_firmware_pcengines_apu_autoreboot: false
Simple Example:
- hosts: servers
- { role: while_true_do.firmware_pcengines_apu }
Advanced Example:
- hosts: servers
- { role: while_true_do.firmware_pcengines_apu, wtd_firmware_pcengines_apu_autoreboot: true, wtd_firmware_pcengines_apu_force_flash: true }
All tests are located in test directory.
Basic testing:
bash ./tests/test-spelling.sh
bash ./tests/test-ansible.sh
Thank you so much for considering to contribute. Every contribution helps us. We are really happy, when somebody is joining the hard work. Please have a look at the links first.
This work is licensed under a BSD License.
Site: while-true-do.org
Mail: hello@while-true-do.org